Chapter 1 - Dried Blood & Unicorns

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Jeffree was pretty new to school but as he walked in someone caught his eye, he asked someone who later said her name was LovelyPeaches in his first period who the hot guy was in the hallway and she said "Kanye West, but you could never date him, you're too ugly, also he's dating Kim" I didn't care what she said though, we were destined to be together. Later in gym class, it was the pacer test. Jeffree and Kanye were both taking that class together. The gym teacher started to punch Kanye because he's crazy. but luckily jeffree was there to save the day!! As Jeffree started to see red he heard in the background, " The FitnessGram PACER Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The test is used to measure a student's aerobic capacity as part of the FitnessGram assessment. Students run back and forth as many times as they can, each lap signaled by a beep sound." And that only fueled his rage, Jeff started to beat up the gym coach, and still scored a 8 on the pacer test! What a double threat!!! As Jeffree stood there in the nose blood of the gym coach, he thought Kanye was going in for a kiss to thank him for saving him from the crazy gym teacher, so he started going in for kiss aswell but Kanye was just licking up the blood. Awkward !!! Jeffree was so embarrassed! But after class Kanye walked up to him and told him to meet him at lunch! A few classes went by but then it was finally lunch! Tasty! Jeff walked up to Kanye, but in the distance they heard the sounds of Nicki Minaj! Jeffree told Kanye how much he loved this song, but Kanye said he was anti-barb and Cardis better! They then started to argue, and argue, and argue! It quickly turned violent! Jeffree and Kanye started to hit each other, but then they kissed! Whattt! Who saw that coming! Everyone in the cafeteria was shocked! Kim watched it all go down! Kanye hit Jeffree on the head with a milk bag, and it exploded all over Jeffree's head. Jeffree was so embarrassed he went into the bathroom and cried for the rest of the school day. He would probably fail all his classes but he did not care at all. Kanye was nowhere to be seen. Jeffree found Kanye in the forest next to school surrounded by a circle of unicorns and people in strange cloaks. Kanye then flew into outer space on a unicorn, never to be seen again. So Jefrre got with Kim! The End! Or is it... 

Sunflaowers UwU 🥺🥺🥺🌻🌻🌻 (JeffYe) X (KaYne)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora