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You. you take over my life. U kill me u really do. U always know how to bring me down. U adapted to the way i act and my bad moods and my triggers. U know what to say to make me wanna kill myself. And I know you know . don't start.

Greek god, good god. Why why why why I know I'm fucked up but u. u. u. Fuck you. Fuck off, honestly die, die , die die die die die die die die die die die die ide. Die i love u so much and i care for u more then i care for others. But u to me? Oh ya im nothing but someone u love to hate on. Do you understand?

Do you understand I fell into a deep depression mostly caused by you. Do you know you almost killed someone? Do u know i wanna die every fucking day because of things u said years ago and seconds ago . I love u. And I tell i love you. why . why. Why do I love you?

Let's try to get this straight, all u have done for me is made me depressed. I see the good in u when no one does, why don't u understand i understand u the most but all u do is hurt me.

While i try to figure out what makes u happy, u try and figure out how to hurt me next. Why? Stop stop stop stop talking omg come on we both know what ur doing.

since i started being more honest all u wanna do is be mean. U little baby. Fuck you.

And u? U dont think about me? I dont make u go literally crazy, i dont give u panic attacks, i dont give u anxiety, i dont give u mean comments, i dont give u depression, i don't make you wanna die. I love you and i show it more then u ever could to ur fucking mom. Ik it, ur jealous ik u r. U r. It's the only answer baby. And I'd love to help you, but you also made me suicidal so why should I again? Yk i pray for u. U know how sad that is ?! I don't even pray for myself, but I really do pray for you. And I do a lot. Mature. Grow up. Stop acting like ur a fucking baby. Get a grip on the real world because guess what baby, in the real world, there's no depressed nadine u can shit on is there ? everytime u kick me ur not gonna win me, because I know what you really want a little more confidence.

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