A Game of Tag Continues

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****warning blood and gun violence ****

"How the hell do we get out of this? Do you even see Sarada?" Boruto asked as he and Shikadai hid behind one of the concrete railings. They could see the gunman with the horse mask a floor down across from them. He did not hesitate as he killed two young women trying to escape.

Shikadai watched at the gunman with the horse mask slowly walked down the hall to find more victims. "We cant clear this game when he has a gun like that."

"You always know what to do!" Boruto hissed in a light whisper.

"Why dont you come up with something!" Shikadai shot back in the same quiet tone.

Just then the shooter moved looking into their direction. They both ducked behind the small like wall praying he did start shooting. After a bit nothing happened, so the Nara slowly looked over the ledge to see the gunman slowly turn around making his way up some stairs.

"The tagger didn't see us."

Boruto popped up to look as well "You think it has to do with the mask?"

He nodded "his field of vision is narrowed due to the mask. It is his weak point, maybe that is the key."

Boruto smirked "Follow my lead Shika".

Before he could get a word out Boruto got up and ran as fast as he could yelling for everyone's attention "Everyone! The tagger is currently moving up the second level of the central area! The tagger has bad vision because of his mask!"

"Boruto! What the hell, you are going to get us killed."

He ignored his friend. "I repeat the tagger is on the second level! Let's work together and inform each other of the tagger's location so we can search for the safe zone together!"

"No one is going to respond Boruto!" Shikadai hissed.

He looked back at him with a serious face "you told me to come up with a plan, this will work!"

"The tagger is moving from the fourth level of the Central area!" A familiar woman's voice yelled.

"Sarada" Boruto smirked while running trying all the doors. He might not have been able to see her but he knew that was her voice.

Just as they turned a corner they look up across and could see her now running on the fourth level. She was trying to get an older woman to run or hide but she was frozen out of fear.

Just then Shika and Boruto saw the gunman turning the corner towards the women.

Boruto moved to the ledge "Sarada! Behind you!"

She quickly dodged the bullets but the other woman was not as fast. Sarada then jumped on a thick pipe and climbed up in full speed. The gunman tried to shoot her from the floor below but at his angle, it was not possible.

The guys were in shock to see her do something so daring yet so smooth.

"That was hot," Boruto said aloud by accident and regretting it.

'Eight minutes until the game ends. There are currently seven survivors'

Boruto and Shikadai continue to check for the safe room on the floor they are on. They then hear rapid gunshots being fired at close range but not at them. They took notice that the gunman was shooting from right above them so they were out of his line of sight. He was shooting at a young man maybe around 18 years of age as he hides behind the wall trying to avoid the bullets. He was on the same level diagonal from them and only a few feet away.

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