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Meta knight continued to follow galacta knight to the area, and then they reached their destination. They were on a floating, wide crystal with crystal walls in the middle of space, close to the stars. They both landed on the ground and went forward.

Meta knight: Wow, this place is really pretty, how'd you manage to find it?

Galacta knight: Just a little searching, is all.

Meta knight stopped to admire the setting

Meta knight: This really is nice, it's not big, but still nice.

Galacta knight: it is, isn't it?

Galacta knight continued to walk forward, stopping at ledge

Galacta knight: The best part for me about coming here is to get closer to the stars. I like to just jump, and float.

Galacta leaped from the ledge, and floated alongside the stars

Galacta knight: Meta knight.....

Meta knight: ..!

Galacta knight turned around to face meta knight

Galacta knight: Would you.. like to join me?

Meta knight: !! I.. uh..... yes, I would

Galacta knight: Well then, what are you waiting

Meta knight let loose his wings once again, went up to the ledge and leaped off, and now they're floating in space together.

Meta knight: Huh... this is... really nice. I'm enjoying this.

Galacta knight: It really is, isn't it? You can do pretty much anything

Meta knight: yeah... I feel so free

Meta knight faced upwards and placed both hands on his back (head? Back?? Blech) using his wings to push him forward

Meta knight: I guess that's the best part about being in space, you can just float about with absolutely nothing stopping you

Galacta knight: Meta knight you're getting too close-

Meta knight: I should come here myself more often, it could take my mind off of things considering-


Meta knight: !!

But before either could react meta knight unintentionally ramed himself into galacta knight

Meta knight: Ugh.. sorry

Galacta knight: grr.. get off of me you moron!

Meta knight: uhm.. you're the one holding me-..

Galacta knight: ....

Galacta knight roughly shoved meta knight off of him making meta knight spin (lol)

Meta knight: jeez

Galacta knight: maybe watch where you're going next time

Meta knight: I'm sorry alright I was just.... to into the moment. But like I said earlier, they're is just so much freedom in space.

Galacta knight: Yeah. That's why I prefer being up here except for down there. There's just much more.... freedom..

Meta knight: yes. And it's quite, so you don't have to hear people constantly yelling your name or relying on you to do something

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