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"Momma?" Shouto's voice called out with a slight tremor. You stood behind him, clutched to the back of his shirt. There's no way she actually thought Shouto was like daddy. He was mean. He hurt you and Shouto. She was just upset, yeah that had to be it.

Rei turned with an almost manic face. Rage swirled in her eyes, and you clutched tighter to Shouto's shirt. You've never been afraid of her before now. She was usually so sweet and kind, even when she cried... 

"You," her voice echoed with malice and you began to shake. Tears threatened to fall down your cheeks at the distorted voice of your mother. She was acting like Daddy. And Daddy was scary.

Just then, as the air became heavy with tension and rage, the kettle began to whistle. It was like any remaining sanity your mom had left shattered at the shrill noise. She grabbed the tea kettle from the stove and charged toward your brother. He quickly tried to shield you from view. 

She thrust the burning hot kettle towards Shouto, face twisted in a sadistic smile. Boiling water poured like a waterfall down Shouto's face as screams echoed throughout the kitchen. 

As the scolding water rolled over his face, it fell onto you, scolding your cheek. Yet, you endured it. You didn't run. You had to protect Shouto!

"STOP! PLEASE STOP!"  you screamed, in hopes you wouldn't have to hurt anyone. Still, your mother proceeded, water still pouring down from the kettle. 

You shakily lifted your left arm, tears doubling as they poured down your burnt cheek. With a shallow breath, you willed your quirk to push forward in front of Shouto.

Ice, small and fragile, flicked up. They could be considered heavy snowflakes at best. Although, they were enough. As they gently landed on your mother's cheek, she seemed to break from her haze. 

"P-Please don't hurt Sho anymore. Hurt m-me instead,"  your voice wavered as you spoke. You had to protect Shouto! You had to be brave, even if that meant getting hurt!  Your mother didn't respond, instead dropping to her knees.

Fear and horror began to wash over her face as she dropped the tea kettle to the floor, the remaining contents spilling into the already prominent puddle.

" have I- WHAT HAVE I DONE?"  Rei leaned forward, pulling you and Shouto into a tight, desperate hug. Her quirk darted out frantically, trying to soothe the angry burns covering her children. She sobbed as her hands gripped you tightly. 

"Sho! Bean! I'm so-so sorry! What have I done? I'm s-sorry!" Her pleas for forgiveness echoed throughout the kitchen alongside you and Shouto's sobs.

Your world came crashing down, if it hadn't already, when the door of the kitchen burst open. Angry footsteps trailed a path in.



"Such a moronic woman! Hurting my masterpiece. And when right now is so critical to his development!" Endeavor ranted. You peeked from behind the wall to where your father and brother were. No one had been allowed by Shouto since the accident. Not even you.

Subconsciously, your hand reached up to touch your cheaply bandaged cheek. Your father hadn't cared enough to get you properly treated like he had Shouto. So instead, all you had gotten was a bandaid and some burn cream. 

"Where's Momma?" Shouto's rough voice rang out defiantly, focusing all of your attention on him. That's right, you hadn't seen your mother since the incident now that you thought about it...Your father turned to your brother with a raised brow.

"I couldn't have that lunatic around if she was a threat to my work. To you. So I sent her away," he replied simply, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. Your head quickly darted from around the corner so you were completely out of sight. You covered your mouth to muffle your crying as your small legs folded underneath you. 

Your mother was gone.

Shouto was hurt. 

You let down your whole family. 

You had heard when the Shouto would have a very large, prominent scar over his left eye for the rest of his life. That no quirk or medicine could heal it completely.

And it was all your fault. 

You had relied on your ice in a time of need and you still couldn't save the ones you care about. Your ice had been useless, just like you.

So from that day forth, you had decided your ice was too unreliable to fully trust or depend on. 

So you didn't use it.


You had been given this nickname as a child since you were the smallest of the Todoroki children. Everyone but your father used it. Still today, you allow most people to call you Bean, even people who aren't your family. Although sometimes, Shouto will call you rice ball. Mostly when he is teasing you or being all 'protective big brother.' There was really no reason for this one to your knowledge, he had just started calling you it one day. 

[One major reason for nicknames is because I am really not used to Y/N. It can also seem a little insensitive and awkward sometimes. I'll still write Y/N, but it seems misplaced for more emotional chapters like this. Thanks for reading!]

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