Chapter 1: The Aptitude test

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Reyna's Pov:

Today is the day of the aptitude test. It is organized by the government and taken by all the sixteen year-olds from the factions. Me, being in Abnegation, will most likely have a Dauntless volunteer taking my test. I can't say I am nervous nor am I excited. My mother walks in the room with a cold look in her eyes. "Please sit" , she says. I internally scoff, as if I have a choice anyways. As she trims my precious red locks, I can't help but wonder what life would have been like in a different faction. Would my mother be kinder? More interesting? Who knows.... Once my hair falls right below my bosom, she sets the scissors down. I politely thank her and head up to my room to gather my school supplies. I pack them into a backpack and take one look at myself in the small piece of mirror I hid from my mother and see a face with eyes full of frustration and sadness. I quickly put on a blank and somewhat cheerful face when I hear her footsteps. "We are leaving now. I don't want to be late for work because of your inadequateness to be mindful of time." says the brunette haired demoness I have to call my mother. To everyone else she seems perfect, with her perfect job and her supposed disciplined daughter. I know better. I don't say anything and just follow her. I sit in the back of the car and just stare out of the window. I see a bus go by full of people and I see the Prior siblings too. Beatrice and Caleb are their names. I know Beatrice because I see her looking at the Dauntless when they jump off the trains. I can only sneak a peak at them as their are many people over here who interact with my mother daily and if she found out what I was doing..... then the consequences would be unthinkable. I reach the school and I wish my mother a good day out of sheer spite and walk towards the school. I see Beatrice and Caleb making their way to the entrance together. At exactly 7:25 the Dauntless, who are considered crazy by my mother (not that I care anyways), jump off of the trains as a 'sport' as they call it. They are assigned to protect the borders as a guard and defense. From what? I don't know nor am I allowed to find out.... I make my way to my first class, Faction History. The class is somewhat interesting but most of the time it's just about how great the factions are and so on. Everyone else looks extremely unfocused, including Beatrice. I wonder what she's worried about, she and her brother have always been the perfect example of Abnegation children. Their parents are also well known in the community for their work in the government and kindness towards the Factionless. Anyways, the class is now over and the day full of boring classes continues until lunch. Our day is cut in half so that everyone can take the aptitude test which will happen after lunch. At lunch, all of the factions have different moods and atmospheres. Abnegation is silent and calm, as always; Amity is playing one of their games which includes a lot of giggling and jumping; Dauntless is rowdy and loud, no surprise their; Candor are having a debate which doesn't seem too serious but nonetheless interesting; and Erudite have their noses buried in books like the bookworms they are. I don't mind reading in fact I do like it but we Abnegation are only allowed so many books. They say that knowledge leads to greed and selfishness for more and Abnegation is all about giving and selflessness so it is natural that we don't read so much. I sit their waiting for my name to be called. I know it will be one of the first ones called because my last name, Adling, starts with the first letter in the alphabet. The test will be taken by volunteers who are mostly Abnegation but there are a few Erudite and I heard a Dauntless too who will take the Abnegation student's tests. The rules say that we cannot be tested by a person from the same faction. "Adling, Reyna!" I hear my name called in the first group. I rise along with another girl from Abnegation and two each from every faction, so in total 10 students in one group. I slowly walk to the doors and go out of the cafeteria where there are the 10 rooms only used for the aptitude test so none of us 16-year old's know what they look like. I make my way into my assigned one, room no. 6, and see a Dauntless woman waiting for me. I am somewhat pleased that she is my test administrator considering I have always admired the Dauntless for their bravery, even though they are reckless at times. She sees me come in and motions for me to sit. I sit with a bit of hesitation and she definitely takes notice of it. "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt. My name is Tori." I notice a hawk tattoo and find it interesting but don't ask any questions about it. She gives me a liquid in a small cup and says, :Go ahead and drink that after I connect the wires to you." I patiently wait for her to finish and after she's done I drink the liquid. I feel extremely drowsy and my eyes close. When I open them again I am in a room full of mirrors as walls. "Choose" a voice says. I look around but don't see anyone. "Choose" the voice says more urgently. I see two baskets, one with a hunk of cheese and the other with an extremely long knife. I choose the knife as it can be used as both defense and offense. Then the baskets disappear, and I hear a low growl  from behind a door which wasn't there before. A heavy looking dog comes running out and starts running towards me. I frantically think about how to protect myself but then remember this isn't real. So I imagine walking up the mirror wall and it actually happens. The dog just stares at me confused. Just then a girl, who is extremely young, comes sprinting towards the dog with a squeal and shrieks, "Puppy". Without a second thought, I dive on top of the girl and shield her with my body and squeeze my eyes shut. When I open them again, I am standing in a bus, similar to the ones used by people to move around town. I see a man sitting on a seat near me reading a newspaper which covers up his face. His hands are scarred and are clutching the paper extremely tight. If I didn't know better, I'd say he wanted to crumple or tear it. "Do you know this man?" he asks. I see the picture he is pointing at and see the word 'murderer' written there. I get a feeling that I have seen this man but at the same time feel like telling the newspaper man about him is a bad idea. I am not in Candor, nor do I want to be, so I lie. "No I haven't." I reply with a blank face. He suddenly looks at me with black sunglasses on with a scarred face full of rage and roars, "You lie! I can see it in your eyes. You know him!" Surprised with his outburst, I still reply in a monotonous voice, " No I do not."  "You could save me if you know......... you could save me." he says in a low voice. I feel guilt flooding my system but still deny any knowledge of knowing the 'murderer' . I suddenly wake up with sweaty palms and heavy breathing. I look around and see that I am back in the aptitude test room. I see Tori studying me with a half concerned, half worried look. I look at her with an expectant face and as if just realizing where she was, she tells me my test result, "Abnegation" For some reason, I get the feeling she is lying. I don't dwell much on it but when I go to walk out of the room, her words leave me in a state of confusion and fear. "The knowledge of your test results is dangerous if it falls in the wrong hands. You are not to tell anyone of your choices or what I've just said to you. Is that clear?" I reply with a simple nod and make my way back to the cafeteria to gather my supplies and head home as instructed by the teachers the day before. I feel Beatrice's eyes on me as I walk out and I turn around as I exit and give her a warm and hopeful smile, which is exactly the opposite of what I feel right now. I make my way out and proceed to start walking home. My mother is still at work so it is up to me to make dinner today. I am so lost in my thoughts as I walk home that I don't see where I am going and bump into a tall dark figure. When I look up to apologize I freeze in my spot as I stare at the haunting figure in front of me. "Careful Stiff, watch where you're going next time" comes his voice as sweet as poison. I just nod and quickly walk away, as I hear him chuckling quietly. I reach home and am surprised to see my mother already waiting for me. She looks at me with a raised eyebrow and I immediately tell her what she wants to know. "Abnegation" She nods with a satisfied smile and replies with, "I have raised you well." I just nod and head up to my room after she tells me that she has to go back to work. Inside, I am screaming in frustration, when had she even talked to me properly. I walk up to my room and think about the factions. Abnegation, Dauntless, Erudite, Candor and Amity. I will definitely not choose Erudite because they're just a bunch of smartasses who I never want to be like. Candor, definitely not even though the idea of telling somebody you don't like them to their face does seem appealing. Amity..... I have never really been a peaceful person but I still like the idea of living a simple yet peaceful life. Dauntless, the energy and the bravery associated with the name is very enticing and I am definitely considering it. Abnegation is a maybe, considering it would tarnish the Abnegation leaders reputation if two children, who are the offspring of their leaders, were to leave the faction and transfer to another one. But since when did I care about reputation......... Now I have to make dinner considering Mother will be home soon enough. I go to the kitchen and start preparing a meal for two of chicken and mashed potatoes. I set the dinner just as my mother comes in. She greets me with a nod. During dinner we make polite conversation but I can tell her mind is somewhere else. After dinner, we both proceed to do the dishes. She washes them while I dry them and put them back in their places. This is one of the few things I like about this faction, the overall neatness and synchronization of everyone. Everything is decided and organized which makes any stress induced from actions vanish. I head up to go to bed after I put the last dish in it's place. I change into some comfortable sleepwear and try to fall asleep on the one place where thoughts can disappear. I close my eyes and proceed to drift off into a strange dream where I am running beside a red-haired man who looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it. The dream slowly fades into nothingness and I fall into a thankfully dreamless sleep.

a/n: Hey guys! Here's the first chapter. Please tell me how y'all think it is. Peace out people ✌

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