The first night

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''Daya pov''

I'm in the van driving up to the prison I was sentenced to. they sentenced me to 10-15 years depending on my behavior, so I'm going to keep to myself and do my time to get home to my siblings.

''Ok inmates out of the van and follow the line'' the correctional officer said.

when I stepped out of the van it was chilly, I clenched onto my jacket and the clothes/pillow I had to carry. the chilliness went away when me and the rest of the inmates stepped into the prison. there was inmates walking around and correctional officers at each exit and almost around every corner.

I got lost out of my thoughts when the inmate who was showing us around started to talk to us she look like a crackhead went bad she has scrabby hair and her teeth was all messed up and very short.

"well guys I'm tiffany, and I'm the one showing you around since no one else will, here we have the guidance counclers offices, then the cafeteria they will call your cell block when its time to go there, then theres the showers. we have the commissary where you can get things when you start your job. we have outside time but besides that, that's about it so you guys should know where your cell block is and you will get your job assignments today or tomorrow.''

when tiffany was done talking everyone walked off to there cell block. I'm in cell block D so I headed there.

when I got to my cell there was a women there she was huffy and Dominican with black hair.

mmhhh I cleared my throat out. ''yes'' the lady spoke, '' I'm Daya I guess your cell mate'', ''your not my cell mate'' the lady said without emotion. I looked at this lady confused, if she isn't my cell mate then who is she or am I in the wrong cell. the lady looked at me up and down and smirked with a little laugh ''you look scared'' she said to me. '' no I'm not scared just confused if your not my cell mate then who is'' I looked at her crooking my eyebrow up and crossing arms to show her I'm not the one to mess with.

'' I am'' I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and to my view stood a Puerto Rican women with shaved hair except the top which was brown with blonde, she was a little shorter than me. she had a muscular figure to her.

''thanks honey'' the women said, the other women got off the bunk and left the room before handing my cell mate a piece of paper.

''daddy'' the women said. ''excuse me'' I said. ''oouu chill mamas my name is daddy everyone calls me it here how about you mamas''. ''for starters its not mamas its daya and I guess the bottom bunk is mine since your girlfriend was on the top or in prison you guys just sit on who evers bed'' I knew I was being sassy but I didn't care one thing I knew is that I cant let these people run all over me. daddy smirked at daya while walking closer leaning her arm on the bunk to hold herself up.

''top is mine and bottom is yours and oh that women wasn't my girlfriend I'm single'' daddy smirked. well good thing I'm straight then I smirked back, I turned around and fixed up my bed then got my things to head to the showers.

these showers was horrible there was barely any hot water left and it was nasty how am isupposed to do this for 10 years.


Daya headed back to her bunk, daddy was already in the bed reading a magazine, the lights out call was about to be called so daya set everything down and got in bed fixing her pillow and blanket. the beds was not really comfortable but daya use to sleep on the floor so this was nothing,


I already showered so I got in bed and read a magazine waiting for the lights out call but to be honest I was really waiting on that Puerto Rican daya to come back she was fine as hell and its rare to get fine people in this prison these days. she came back into the room I heard her shuffling around getting all settled so I didn't bother her until I knew she was settled in her bed first.

the beds here are the worst I said to her trying to start a conversation. ''I been through worst she said back''. I wonder what she met by that that's another day talk though. so why are you in mamas. ''its daya'' she responded back. I smirked knowing how that got on her nerves, ok daya why you in here then. there was a moment of silence until she responded back to me. '' drugs, driving drunk, killing my boyfriend, and robbery''.

my eyes widen, wow shes the definition of devil in disguise. ''that got you quiet'' she said. nah just wow your the devil in disguise aren't you miss diaz. I heard her smirk a laugh until she asked me why I was in here. armed robbery, drugs and killing 4 people I responded back to her. damn she said out loud. yeah I laughed.

''so your straight''. ''yeah fully straight'' daya responded. mmm I hummed with my mouth staring at the celling. how long you in for I asked, ''10-15 years how about you daddy''

25 years I said I chimed in that I already finished 12 so I only got 13 left.

''you will be getting out close to me then'' daya said.

yeah I responded.

well good luck on staying straight in a prison full of girls for 10-15 years miss diaz its kinda hard, I told her with a smirk on my face. ''oh yeah how you know''. because I turned a lot of straight girls gay in here daiz. '' well stop smirking cause you aren't going anywhere near me with your hands and lips im keeping to myself so I don't want to know you and I don't want friends I can shorten my time if I stay out of trouble''.

I smirked some more at the thought of me making her gay she will see what comes to her. okay mamas you say that now. ''im going to sleep'' daya responded not wanting to continue this conversation. mmm okay night mamas. mmmhhh daya just hummed not paying attention to her no more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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