Chapter 13

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Blue: I got a friend. My second friend
Ink: really?
Dream: can you tell us about him?
Blue: *in head* Ink is accepting it
Chem: *in Blues head* we gave him a soul base so his memory should get better
Blue: *nods* yea. Error was a tough but to crack and crashed quite a few times but once he trusted me, we got close. I'm actually still friends with him. After enough time, he took me to his brother and me and the brother quickly bonded. I'm friends with everyone Error calls family. Which includes Fresh and Reaper
Ink: Fresh?
Dream: Reaper?
Blue: Fresh is his annoying younger brother and Reaper is his brother-in-law
Ink/Dream: oooohhhhh
Blue: yea. Fun times right
Dream: that's amazing!
Ink: maybe...they aren't so bad..
Blue: Error isn't as bad as people make him out to seem. He's a softy and very sweet
Ink: lets give him a visit!
Blue: he lives with Nightmare
Dream: lets give them all a visit!
Blue: fine but if either of you attack anyone, you're grounded
Dream: ok
Ink: understood!
Blue: lets go then

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