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1938. Winter.

Katsuki Bakugo looked up from the stack of papers in front of him, the collected accounts of all of his friends and acquaintances of the summer of 1925, the one that had changed all of their lives, for better or worse.

The idea to make the book had come to him when his friends had all gotten together for dinner one night and began to reminisce about simpler times. He realized how significant that summer had been, and he wanted to write it down, so that none of them would ever forget.

Also, he was exceptionally bored.

His eyes fell on the torn open envelope on his desk, and his stomach did a little flip. He let out a long breath and reached for it. Scrawled in the middle of the envelope in familiar handwriting was his address and in the top left hand corner, there was a return address for a Mr. Eijiro Kirishima in some random town in France.

Bakugo had gotten Kirishima's new address from Mina a while back, but he hadn't worked up enough courage to write. He didn't think Kirishima would react well to a letter from him, anyway. But when he came up with his book idea, he finally made himself do it.

Kirishima had sent his account of that summer with a note, and Bakugo had read both writings dozens of times since they arrived.

He had just reached into the envelope and was about to reread Kirishima's note again when he heard his front door open, and the sound of childrens' voices.

"Kacchan, are you here?" Deku's voice called from the direction of the foyer.

Bakugo muttered a series of curses under his breath and stood up from his desk chair. He walked out of his study and into the foyer, where Deku and two of his children were standing.

"What're you doing here, Deku?" Bakugo asked, crossing his arms.

"We were on a walk, and we just thought we'd say hi," Deku said.

"Did you have to bring your kids?"

"Uh, I don't have an answer to that," Deku said, beckoning one of his children back towards him.

"Couldn't you have gone to say hi to Todoroki and whatever his wife's name is instead?" Bakugo growled.

Deku huffed. "Her name is Momo, and can't you just be happy to see me, Kacchan?"

"Never," Bakugo said.

Deku smiled, shaking his head, and Bakugo tried not to blow his casket.

"Uncle Kacchan!" one of Deku's kids hollered. It was one of the older ones. Bakugo had never learned their names.

"What, Rat Number One?" Bakugo snarled.

"How's your big project going?" the kid asked.

"Actually, I need to go work on that," Bakugo said. "So can you go tell you dad over there to get out of my house?"

"Okay!" the kid chirped. He turned to Deku. "Let's go home, Daddy."

"Alright," Deku said. "Are we still on for dinner tonight, Kacchan?"

"Sure," Bakugo said.

Deku smiled. "Good. Come on, guys."

He ferried his kids out of Bakugo's house, and the door clicked shut behind them. Bakugo sighed and walked back to his study and picked up the envelope again. He pulled out the note and began to read:

Dear Bakugo -

I'm really glad that you wrote to me. I've been thinking about you recently. Can you believe that it's been thirteen whole years since we last saw each other? It makes me feel really old. By the way, you were right. I am thankful for what you did. That must have been hard for you.

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