29th of January of 1899

14 1 0

Don't read if triggered by miscarriages & mentions of abuse.

"Shush Henry!" 5 year old Mary ordered her 2 year old brother in a quiet voice.

"No!" Henry sassed his older sister before turning away with a huff.

       Mary sighed before looking at her step mother & father's bedroom. She & her step mother wasn't close but Anne Boleyn was nice to her. She was sad though. She used to complain about getting a baby brother instead of a baby sister, now she won't get any baby siblings.

       Meanwhile KH8 held his wife's hand. Though, to him, they were just friends & will always be friends. They both, however, were heartbroken about what just happened a week ago. Anne Boleyn ended up having a miscarriage & lost a child. Anne Boleyn felt like an utter failure while KH8 was devastated.

The telephone than rang & Anne Boleyn answered it after 3 rings. "Hello . . . ?"

"Annie?" Jane asked.

"Oh, hello Jane."

"How are you feeling?" Her younger cousin asked softly.

"I'm getting by . . . You?"

"I'm ok."

"That's good. "Anne said quietly.

"How's Henry?" Jane asked.

"He's also getting by, we're gonna try again . . ."

"Again?" Jane asked with an raised eyebrow.

"Yeah . . . We can't divorce unless I give Henry another child, preferably a son." Anne Boleyn said before sighing.

"I see . . ." Jane said quietly. "Anne, remember Katherine Howard?"

"You mean our baby cousin, yeah, why?"

"Well . . . I found out . . . That Edward Howard abused her . . . "

245 words is pretty good for me.

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