Stains unorthodox training

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//// Okay this is probably going to come out on Saturday so sorry that it took me basically a whole week of writing for this to come out it's mostly because as soon as I returned to school I had to get ready for 3 test so I'm sure you understand and I do hope you enjoy this chapter ///

Izuku is having the same damn dream again of him being hold down by chains and trying to become free to interact with this warm light that he's absolutely in a trance by it and then he wakes up

Izuku wakes up for him to move his chest up and starts to breathe heavily in and out

Stain: what had a bad dream or something?

Izuku turns his head to then see stain with a bunch of heavy duty equipment behind him

Izuku: what's up with the weird equipment?

Stain looks behind him and says

Stain: what else for your training

Izuku: my training? How's that stuff going to help me?

Stain: isn't this whole virus stuff better at being controlled if you focus on your mind?

Izuku: yes. Why are you asking?

Stain: well then instead of starting with mental training we will be doing nothing but physical training and it has to have effect on you

Izuku: if you say so

He then stands up

Izuku: so what's first?

Stain: we have to see how weak you have become so take off your shirt or use your bio-mass thing to show me

Izuku: okay then

Izuku concentrates and undoes his bio-mass shirt for stain to see him regress back to 6 pack abs

Izuku: the hell I had 10 pack abs before!?

Stain: hmmm this may take longer then I would have wanted it to take

Izuku then stares at his body with disbelief and thinks to himself ( have I gotten this weak? I'm a seriously this useless or something? )

Stain: wipe that look off your face!

Izuku jumps back a bit from being snapped out of his self trance

Izuku: sorry I'm just really surprised is all but I'm willing to do whatever it takes

Stain: good. So the second thing is you-

Stain then throws a knife at izuku's face for him to only slightly dodge the knife which results in a cut on his cheek which heals in 2 second's

Izuku: my reflex's I guess

Stain: little rusty but in a couple of days that should back in shape

Izuku then walks toward stain

Izuku: so what's next?

Stain: time to hit the gym

Izuku: you don't mean that literally right?

Stain: yes I don't mean that literally

Izuku: sorry it's just I grew up with Jacob and we'll he says a lot of stuff that is meant literally which most people think is figuratively

Stain: oh well umm just go ahead and do some sets

Izuku: okay then

Izuku then walks to the machines and start doing some sets for a couple of hours in which he struggles for a bit but it slowly gets easier and easier and then stain tells him

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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