Chapter 13 : Basement

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Chapter 13


Jeff POV

I was getting more and more anxious as more time went by. I was sitting against a wall, holding Riker in my arms because he kept passing out from the pain. His wrist was definitely broken and he said his back really hurt too.

We thought we heard my dad leave, so Sebastian was at the top of the basement stairs, trying to break the door down. I think he's the least hurt out of all of us.

"Sebastian, stop! It's not working!" Nick screamed.

Sebastian kept punching at the door.

"Sebastian!" Nick yelled.

Sebastian came back down the stairs. His knuckles were bleeding a lot now.

"You're just getting yourself more hurt than you already are! It's no use!" Nick said, crying now.

I felt Riker's head on my shoulder and I knew he passed out again.

"Guys, Riker needs to go to the hospital. He's not doing well," I said, quietly.

Sebastian grabbed some pieces of cardboard and some rope and came over to us. He started making a splint for Riker's wrist.

"Riker, wake up. Can you hear me?" Sebastian asked.

Riker opened his eyes and sat up a bit straighter.

"Try not to move your wrist. I made a splint. Just relax, ok? As soon as we're out of here, we'll get you to a hospital," Sebastian said.


Sebastian went back upstairs and started punching at the door again.

"Sebastian! Just stop!" Nick yelled.

Nick was crying and I've never seen him cry. I think he's scared we're going to die. And I mean, I am too. But I've always been scared my dad would kill me. So I guess I'm sort of desensitized to it.

I felt Riker's head on my shoulder again. So I held him tighter.

All of a sudden the basement door flew open and my dad was standing there.

"What do you think you're doing!?" He yelled.

Sebastian tried to punch him, but my dad grabbed his arm and twisted it weird, which made Sebastian cry out in pain. He let go of his arm and pushed him down the stairs. Sebastian came tumbling down and then my dad slammed the door shut again.

"Are you ok?" I asked, quietly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Sebastian said, sitting up.

I could tell he was in pain though, even if he didn't want to admit it.

"Please just get us out," Riker whimpered.

He wrapped his arms around me and started crying into my shoulder.

"Riker, you're going to be ok. I know you're in a lot of pain right now, but you're going to be ok," I said, holding him tight.

"I want to go home!" He cried.

"I know."

"We're going to die down here! We have no food or water!" Nick said.

"Guys, stop freaking out. Freaking out is going to get us nowhere!" Sebastian said.

"Everything hurts," Riker whimpered.

"I know. Just relax," I said.


Ross POV

While Rocky drove, he had me find Jeff's dad on Facebook and send him a message. Basically Rocky wanted to ask what Jeff's dad wanted in return for everyone. We thought he would want money. But he just wants the boys. He doesn't want anything else. So Rocky offered him a ton of money. And he agreed to give up Riker, Sebastian, and Nick, but not Jeff.

But that's fine. All that matters is that he agreed to meet with Rocky. We can figure out how to rescue Jeff later.

So we stopped somewhere to buy a bag that was going to be our fake money bag because obviously we're not actually going to give him money.

The plan was to meet at the address Jeff's dad gave us. I would hide in the car so he didn't know I was there. And Rocky would try to rescue everyone. I'm the backup plan if anything goes wrong. And I'm really scared. Jeff's dad has a gun. Once he realizes Rocky isn't giving him money, he could just shoot him.

But we still have hours of driving before we get there.

Jeff POV

Sebastian has been trying to make a weapon out of whatever he could find down here. But there's just junk down here. Nothing he can really use.

Nick fell asleep on the ground. It's probably nighttime now anyways.

Riker was still in my arms. He wasn't crying anymore or passing out. But he felt really weak. We haven't had anything to eat or drink in like a day now.

"Jeff?" Riker asked.


"I need to use the bathroom."

"I kind of do too..."

"Just go in the corner. That's what I did," Sebastian said.

I helped Riker up and we took turns peeing in the corner of the basement. I'm really worried we're going to die of dehydration. And we're all getting really weak from not eating.

Riker and I sat back down. He curled up in my lap and started to cry again.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

"I'm so scared we're just going to die down here. I don't want to die."

"We're going to get out, Riker. Somehow. I promise," Sebastian said.

"Why do you even care about escaping if your family doesn't care about you?" I asked.

"Jeff, if I can save us and get you guys back to your family, Rydel will totally have to agree to going out on a date with me," Sebastian said.

I rolled my eyes.

"That's your only motivation?" I asked.

"Well I don't want to die either! But it would be nice to finally date the girl of my dreams," Sebastian said.

"Well if that's your motivation, then good. I'm glad something is motivating you to help us get out because I think we're all too hurt to do much," I said.

"I'm tired," Riker mumbled.

"Me too," I said, laying down.

Riker laid down with his head on my chest and we both fell asleep.

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