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Thanks for reading! I'm going to kind of use this part to express my mind sort of. Sorry if the end was a bit messy. This was my first ever attempt at writing something like a story and I hope it turned out okay for you. There will of course be errors and maybe a logic gap or two. For some diehard railfans I tried my best to keep any realistic form of braking that could exist cease so 2340 is a manned runaway hence why I made the darn thing 90 cars loaded with only two engines, but criticism I'll gladly accept. I got inspired to write this from Atomic Train, Unstoppable and Runaway Train. Three very nice movies you should see them. This was a one off attempt at writing this sort of thing I'm glad someone wanted to click on a story about a train. You don't see that very often these days nowadays people want some romance stuff or that kind of thing I'm not really sure. I see it alot on other websites though. I did my best to keep this realistic in a sense without going to the fictional realm to stop the train. Like say Reginald through sheer will power of turning the dynamic brakes stops the train. That doesn't make any sense at all right? Would be too convenient as well. Instead I tried to keep it based in reality as much as I could even though the company and people in it and the railroad aren't an actual entity. I don't know if I'll make a sequel to this or if it's necessary but if enough show support I will consider. Thanks for taking your time to read this! Means alot even if you didn't like it at all. Also can we please get a realistic fiction category?

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