Of Americanos and Chocolate Mochas

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Prachaya has had a hectic week. Juggling work and school is never easy, but when your job is as demanding as that of a professional photographer, things are worse. The young photographer can't wait for his graduation which is due in a few months. He will finally be able to dedicate himself whole heartedly to his one true love- photography.

He has been snapping away for as long as he can remember- and that is probably why he is so famous and successful at such a young age. But fame and success come for a price- which is in the form of some excruciatingly annoying clients- like his present one.

His client is here for a maternity shoot, and all should have gone smooth, but the woman starts crying every two seconds for the silliest of things. And to be honest, Singto has reached the end of his patience now. He desperately needs a cup of Americano.

The cafe that he usually frequents is on the other side of town, and keeping in mind Bangkok's traffic, it would take an hour for his coffee to reach him. And he cannot wait that long.

"Why don't you go to that new cafe across the street?" His brother cum assistant Mew asks.

Singto looks doubtful. He has very specific tastes and usually complains about almost every food item.

"Oh come on, don't be a prick! The place is cute, and you need a change of scenery... you have been working for the past 6 hours."

Singto rolls his eyes, and asks, "Is the cafe cute, or the barista?" He knows his brother has been eyeing one of the baristas there since the opening of the cafe about three months ago.

"Both... but honestly, it will do you good."

Singto is about to say something else, but his client's loud wail makes him swallow his tongue and heed his brother's advice.

"There's also another cute boy there, you can hit on him too!" Mew calls out as Singto starts walking away. The photographer chuckles and shows his brother the middle finger before jogging across the street.


Krist grumbles as he cleans the countertop. He has been left behind by his friends yet again- and now he has to manage the cafe by himself till they come back. And knowing them, they won't be back for a very long time. Admittedly, the cafe is currently empty, but rush hour begins in some time, and he isn't sure how he is supposed to handle the whole place by himself then.

A jingle on the front door draws his attention from his task and he looks up to see the customer and stops short when he sees him.

Prachaya Ruangroj just walked in that door! Holy fucking shit!

The famous photographer is a legacy at KU and although he is only one year senior to Krist himself, the barista has always been kind of intimidated by him.

"Hello there!" Singto says.

"Hello, khun Singto. What may I get you today?

"A good strong cup of Americano would be marvellous!"

Krist nods nervously. His hands are clammy as he starts preparing the senior's order and he hopes that his americano is perfect for the photographer.


Singto looks around the place and he has to admit, whoever picked the decor for the cafe has a good eye. The place is decorated with aesthetic yet classic pictures, and the yellow lights coupled with the dark woody background create a cozy ambience.

However, he is still not convinced that this barista- who looks somewhat familiar for some reason- will be able to make his americano well. The guy looks too pretty to be a barista, and he seems to be a little nervous.

Of Americanos and Chocolate Mochas {One shot}Where stories live. Discover now