April, 1995
It was another sunny day at Cerise laboratory. The flowers were blooming and the Pidgey were chirping. And of course, our favourite research fellows were out and about as well.
In the green gardens of Cerise Park Goh was currently giving his Pokémon their daily dose of berries and nutrients. With the help of Cinderace, Inteleon and Rillaboom, of course.
He carried in the final carriage with Pokémon food. Letting out a breath from relief he wiped the sweat from his forehead and called out; "Hey everyone! Lunch is ready!"
The Pokémon all peeked around from their hiding places, before storming his way and starting to eat. Goh barely managed to jump out of the way and looked at them in disbelief. "You all sure were hungry, weren't you?" He decided to just keep his distance and watch for a while.
"You have one message from Professor Cerise.", it sounded. Goh rolled his eyes. Of course he'd call during lunch break. He turned to his three partners. "Guys, I'm gonna go get Ash. Could you get the carriers back when everyone's done eating? Thanks!" He asked, not waiting for an answer but instead already on his way outside. His Pokémon just stood there and sweatdropped.
Now, outside of the laboratory...
"Lucario! Use aura sphere on Pikachu! And Pikachu, use iron tail!" He shouted. Lucario charged a Pikachu, who dodged the attack. Lucario quickly turned around and used his paws to deflect the iron tail. It made contact and they both moved back. The Pokémon grinned at each other while they steadied their breathing again. All of this to the excitement of their trainer, who was now running onto the battlefield.
"Great job you two! Even though the World tournament has ended, we can't afford to slack off now can we?", the trainer said with his signature grin.
"Pika!" "Lu-Lucario!" They both shouted approvingly.
"Hey! Ash!"
Goh came running outside, waving at them.
Ash turned around and waved back. "Hey Goh! What's up?" He asked.
"Professor Cerise wants us to join him for lunch. He said it was important and he wanted to discuss some things with us!" Goh answered. "You coming?"
"Sure, we were about to call it a day anyway!" He smiled, giving Goh a thumbs up and turning to his Pokémon. He called Lucario back and Pikachu jumped back on his trainers shoulder, his favourite spot.
In the dining hall Chloe was impatiently waiting for them. "Finally.", she said slightly annoyed. "What took you both so long?"
Goh rolled his eyes, "Hello to you too, Chloe. I take it the Professor called you too?"
She nodded. "Yeah. I wonder what it's about." She got called back early from school due to some kind of problem with the system. School had been cancelled for a while and she had to wait in the laboratory all day. And with Ash training and Goh in the park, there really wasn't much for her to enjoy.As soon as they came into the room Eevee, Yamper and Pikachu quickly went to play. Ash, Goh and Chloe just decided to start their lunch while waiting for the professor.
"Good afternoon everyone!" The professor exclaimed after a few minutes. "I'm sorry for letting you wait, but I have some exciting news today!"
Pokémon: the journey continues
FanfictionThis book is what I hope will happen in the Journeys anime, or what I believe will happen afterwards in my headcanon. Mainly Amourshipping, but a lot of other characters will be getting attention as well. Not just shipping, but stories and dreams to...