A forbidden love

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A very long time ago, in a kingdom far-far away ruled the King of Diamonds. He lived in his castle with his mother, the Dowager Queen of Diamonds, and his younger brother, Jack of Diamonds. It was a peaceful kingdom and King of Diamonds was a very good king indeed. He was young and handsome. He was fair and he was wise. Also, rather unfortunately, he was in love. A love forbidden by old Rules which no wise card should dare to go against.

Love, however, makes you do stupid things. The King of Diamonds had pledged his heart to that forbidden beauty and he was adamant that he will make her his wife at all costs.

One evening the Dowager Queen brought out the topic of his marriage while they were siting for tea in the Royal Gardens. It was purely because she wanted an heir to the throne, and not at all because she wanted some grandchildren to play with.

'Son, it is time you got married' She said as she sipped tea from her cup.

'A King needs a Queen to demonstrate stability and prosperity of the kingdom'

'Yes, please brother, you know I can't get married if you don't and I really can't want to get married to my beloved the Jack of Hearts.' whined Jack. His love for Jack of Heart was famous for he had been rejected 37 times by him on different occasions.

The Queen continued, choosing to ignore the embarrassing behaviour of her younger son.

'You have so many choices. You can choose any of the Queens from Card Kingdoms. The Queen of Spades, the Queen of Hearts or even the Queen of Clubs.

'I have no interest in them.' The King said with a sigh

'Oh? Well, I suppose you can choose any of the Kings too.' the Dowager Queen said delicately, quite unsure. 'If that's what you really desire...'

'What?' the King of Diamond spluttered out. 'No Mother! No, I like girls. I just don't like these girls' he gestured to the world in general

The Queen almost groaned to herself. She could recognize that pitiful emotion anywhere, it seemed her older son was in love as well.

'Is there someone in your mind?' she asked, dreading the answer.

'Yes.' King confessed slowly.

'Who?' Jack asked curiously, barely able to contain his excitement

'The 2nd princess of Mahjong. The Red Dragon.' The King replied dreamily.

The Queen gasped while the Jack fell out of his chair.

Mahjong was a far east country ruled by Dragons. Royal wedding between Mahjong and Card Kingdoms was...

'Forbidden'. Stammered out the Dowager Queen of Diamonds. 'That is absolutely forbidden!!'

'But WHY Mother?!'

'I...' Queen thought for a moment, '... have no idea!! she decided 'but it's forbidden!! It was forbidden by our ancestors. We can't go against our ancestors!!'

'You do realize that just makes me want her more, I LOVE HER!!' King of Diamonds shouted.

Queen took a breath to steady herself, trying very hard not to roll her eyes.

Jack in the meanwhile was still on the floor looking at his mother and brother mouth agape.

'She is so different,' Queen started cautiously again.

'She is a DRAGON!' Jack interrupted in spite of himself. His brother had lost his mind. He can't marry into Mahjong Kingdom! Everybody knew that!

'I love her.' The King replied steadily

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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