Chapter 3

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(no ones POV)

Meredith and Derek were still in the hallway butt naked locked out of their room.

"Derek what are we going to do??" Mer said said very worried

"Um.... don't be worried we can just go to Mark and Lexie's rooms and wait for them to get back" He answered

"I guess" Derek grabs Mer bridal style again as they run down the hallways to Mark and Lexie's room locking the door so no one can walk in.

"What are we going to do here until they get back?" She asks suspiciously

"Oh you know what we are doing" He grabs her and flings her on the bed on top of her continuing where they left off.


Everyone was coincidentally leaving the pool area just as Deluca showed back agian.

"Aww someone couldn't take the jealousy" Alex mocked Andrew right in front of everyone and laughters filled the hallway.

Lexie and Mark were holding hands walking to their room, everyone was in their rooms changing by the time they reached their door, reaching for the handle Mark realizes it is locked.

"Hey did you lock the door when we left?" he asks lexie.

"No I don't remember, but here I brought the card just incase" she reaches into their bag taking out the key card to unlock the door.

The door beeps as it unlocks revealing their room and their bed.


"Ahh" Mer and Derek yell as Meredith tries to hide under the sheets and Derek is covering her so no one can see.

"WHY ARE YOU GUYS HAVING SEX IN OUR ROOM YOU HAVE YOUR OWN!!!!" Lexie yells running out of the room covering her eyes mark following her closing the door.

"Um it's not what it looks like I swear" Derek runs to the door opening it a crack to look at them out of breath.

"What it looks like is my best friend and his wife are having dirty sex on our bed in our room!!" Mark says in a stern voice.

"Well if you would let me explain I would tell you that we were having dirty sex on the couch downstairs and when we were finished our clothes wernt in the living room anymore so we came up here to get new ones in our room and our door was locked" Derek explained.

"So what made you come into our room" Lexie asks

"We were naked and had nowhere to go so we decided to come in here and...."

"Have your playful sex in our bed leaving your white stains on our sheets?" mark cut him off

"Well what else were we supposed to do it's not like we are going to sit and talk... you know that" Derek says in a mocking tone.

"Well just tell Mer that she can borrow some clothes from my dresser and i'm assuming you can borrow some from marks... right honey" lexie sighs

"Yeah sure" mark responds

Derek closes the door and turns around to look at meredith who is sitting still in the bed

"What are we going to do with you and your crazy sex ideas" he sighs walking over to her. She smirks and as she is getting up to go over to lexies dresser Derek slaps her ass.

"Hey" she yelps

"I cant ignore a chance to slap that nice ass" he smirks

"Enough you too let's go we need to change" lexie bangs on the door.

"Fine" Derek and Mer both say in harmony

They borrow some clothes and walk out of the room, "thanks so much little sis" Meredith mocks lexie.

Going over to their room they try and unlock the door again but it won't budge. They both dont know what to do. He decides he is going to have to try and break the door down so he steps back and slams into it full force.

Thankfully it doesn't break the door, his shove only dismantled the locking system.

Walking into their room they saw the pile of wet bathing suits that they had taken off in the living room that had mysteriously gone missing. Lying next to it was a badge.

"What is this" Derek said picking up the badge with the name ANDREW DELUCA (surgical resident)

"You don't think..... You don't think he saw us" Mer can't even finish her sentence without feeling shocked

"You don't think he saw us... going raw in the living room?" she finally spits out the sentence.

They both stare at each other in utter disbelief as their eyes widen, Derek and Mer are left in the mustyness of their room and know that someone has violated their privacy. 

A/n- sorry this is such a short chapter I have had really no time to write and school has been very stressful. Hopefully I will be able to update as soon as I can. 


Word Count: 803

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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