Mad Libs With My Siblings

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I did not write this! My creepy siblings Flamefire and Dragonavatar totally freaked out with this! It involves some, ah, interesting topics, so be prepared, and stay strong!

1) Every year, the Keystone Kennel Club hosts a dog show to find the happiest dog in the world. This year, I entered my Pikachu Slinkie. I've trained her to pee and poop on command. Every time she does a trick right, I feed her a little girl. At the dog show, she ran in front of the judges and started to smile creepily. The crowd went wild and a big cockapoo behind her started to crap. She didn't win the big prize, but was awarded the Fattest in the show. We won a huge trophy  shaped like a kitten. I can't wait for the next dog show.

2) On the first day of school, I felt so flirtatious. I put on my favorite new outfit- a shirt with two silver ipads on it and a plumy, butt-ugly pair of pants. My mom made me my favorite breakfast: teeth and pancakes. My brother told me my new teacher was very blue. He had her last year, and he said she let kids crap in class. When the big, green bus pulled up outside,  I waved goodbye to my mom, who started to flame. I got a seat with my friend Pete, who showed me his new tan backpack that was full of elephants. When I finally got to school, I was so excited that I started farting in the hallway. I thought this is going to be a stupidly creepy year.

3) Our school cafeteria had really stupid food. Just thinking about makes my stomach dim. The spaghetti is blue and tastes like chopped liver and poop. Oh day I swear one of my meatballs started to fart. The turkey tacos are totally plaid and look kind of like old unicorn puke. My friend Dana actually likes the meatloaf, though it's maroon and stanky. I call it 'mystery meatloaf'' and I think it's really made out of sparkles. My dad said he'd make my lunches, but the first day, he made me a sandwich out off nails and peanut butter! I think I'd rather take my chances with the cafeteria.

So... yeah. :)

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