Chapter 6

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February 13th

They land at Jersey at 10:30 next day,Danny and Grace slept on the flight but Steve couldn't,he was thinking about the question and what Danny would answer.When they arrived,Eddie waited for them at the gate.

Eddie-Hello everyone

Grace sees her grandpa and runs to his hug


Eddie takes her on his hug and kisses her forehead

Eddie-Hello my princess,how are you?


She gets off and runs to the car

He greets Danny and Steve,Steve goes and sits on the backseat with Grace and Danny in front with Eddie.They arrive at the house,Clara greets them and they head inside.Tonight at dinner,they discuss how they were at Hawaii,their latest big catch,how Grace was going at school and all those stuff.They sit at the TV and they have a pretty relaxing day,the whole day was relaxing and they tried to get used to jet lag,mostly Steve since the other two had slept to the plane.Around ten Danny went Grace tobed and Steve was sitting and chatting with Eddie

Steve-I have called Stella and Bridget to come tomorrow too,I wanted his whole family to be there,Eric came from Hawaii too,three days ago

Eddie pats Steve on the back with a smile

Eddie-You are a good boy Steven,I'm glad my son made such a good choice

Steve smiles and he looks at Eddie

Steve-Thank you sir

Eddie-So where are you planning to get him?

Steve-I will get him to his favourite italian tomorrow for lunch and then I'll bring him here,I asked from Stella to make the backyard look beautiful,she was more than glad to

Eddie-He'll love it

Steve-I really hope sir

Eddie-He loves you Steven,you don't need to doubt yourself about that

Steve-I know,thanks

Danny came back from getting Grace to sleep and they continued their talk.Around twelve they went to bed,Danny could sense how nervous was Steve when they were at bed

Danny-Are you okay babe?You seem a bit tense

Steve-I am fine,just the jet lag still kicking you know

Danny-You sure?

Steve-Yeah,trust me,let's sleep now,a big day is ahead of us

Danny-What do you mean Steven?What do you have in mind?

Steve-Nothing,just a beautiful italian restaurant for us tomorrow,booked two months ago

Danny-What?You kidding me,Steve you've been in so much trouble

Steve-Danno you deserve everything,now shut up and sleep because I am exausted

Danny-Okay babe,goodnight

Steve-Goodnight Danno

They kissed,hugged and fell asleep immediately,still exausted from the day

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