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I checked my phone and saw that it was already 4 pm which meant that Gramps would be here soon. I smiled at the thought of seeing him again and stood up.

"Well, my gramps is coming home soon." I said, dusting the back of my pants.

Melon followed suit and did the same. He pulled out a mask from his pocket and as he was about to out it on, I stopped him and said, "Your mother's features suit you well. Don't hide them. They're unique and make you handsome."

He looked me dead in the eyes and said, "I think otherwise."

A loud sigh escaped my lips and I snatched the mask out of his hands and started running around the block as he chased after me trying to get his mask back.

This reminded me of when we were younger and how it took me ages to persuade him to play with me. Good old days.

As I made a circle around the block, heading towards my home's direction, Melon caught up with me, holding my wrist.

"Give it back." He said in a deep and slightly mad tone. Maybe I went overboard. I handed the mask to him, which he gently took out of my hands and put on his face.

"Sorry." I sheepishly mumbled, quite disappointed in myself. Even though we have been friends for a while now, I probably should've known when to stop. It was my bad.

He ignored my comment and said, "I'll see you tomorrow." before blending into the crowd. At least now I knew what not to do with him. Taking his mask was a big no no, and so was brining up his parents, especially his mother.

I walked back home which was only a several meters away from where I was. The sun still hung bright and proudly in the sky. It was really a beautiful view. I walked home, leaving the door unlocked as I sat down in the kitchen waiting for Gramps to come back home.

I sat there staring at the door, still a bit upset over the Melon situation. It was no secret that I was still naive and didn't know when to stop, and that was a big downside to who I was.

Melon was an interesting character. He kept a lot of things to himself, not revealing a lot. He never gave much of a backstory other than his experience living with his mother.

He never told me about his school life, his university life. He didn't tell me a lot about his job or where he worked at. Yet he knew all about me. He knew how I reacted to certain things. He knew where I lived and my family. Although, I don't think he knew about Legoshi.

He knew that I had a younger brother though, but he doesn't know who exactly he was. Overall Melon was an interesting individual and I loved him for who he was.

The door handle turned and the door opened afterwards revealing, Gramps with his luggage, which looked a lot lighter. I smiled and walked over to him taking his things.

"You seem upset." Gramps said concerned. "Is something bothering you?" He added.

I shook my head and said, "Sorry, just deep in thought." He offered me a great and reassuring smile and said, "If anything's bothering you, feel free to tell me." His words warmed my heart, relieving me from most of the discomfort I felt in my heart.

I didn't want to put my burdens on Gosha. He grew me up and I felt like it'd only be right to do the same for him, at least for the last years of his life. Melon was my problem. I was the one who wanted to be friends with him in first place. Also, it always happened with friends; friendships always have their ups and downs. Gramps didn't need to worry about Melon and I.

I helped Gramps get his boxes and bags into his room, a smile big smile still plastered on my face.

"I brought some cake for you. Your second favorite. The bakery ran out of your favorite chocolate ones, so I got red velvet instead." Gosha said pulling out a pink box from his bag.

I rushed over to him jumping in for a hug and he hugged me back. He made sure he didn't hurt me with his nails or hug me too tightly on accident.

I broke the hug and said, "I'll get the table set for the cake." with a big smile.

I hopped my way into the kitchen as I hummed a happy melody. The dishes in the cabinets were organized. Small plates on the right corner followed by medium and large plates to the left.

I pulled out 2 small plates, 2 cake forks and a knife, neatly serving them on the table. Gramps walked out of his room with a white t-shirt which showed off his muscles. He was in his 60s, yet he had the body built of Dwayne Johnson.

He sat down, placing the pink box on the table and unfolded the box, revealing the red velvet. The fresh and sweet smell filled the air, and I felt myself start to drool.

"It smells as if it came straight out of the oven!" I exclaimed happily. The scent filled my nostrils, sending satisfaction down my spine.

"It did. I was lucky enough to get the freshest one." He said. I cut the cake in half, cutting one half into 3 pieces.

I used the knife to carefully transfer it to plate and handed it to Gramps. He seemed happy and waited for me to get my slice.

I put a slice on my plate and sat down, placing the knife down carefully.

"Dig in." Gramps said taking a forkful of his slice. I did the same and the moment the piece went into my mouth, I felt my heart sink. I was so happy! It was delicious. The taste melted my insides.

"You always have a different reaction with different cakes." Gramps commented as he swallowed his piece. I smiled, cupping my cheeks and said, "Thanks for getting this." as I took another forkful.

We finished our slices, and I served myself another one.

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