Accepted Ch.5: Ice Queen and No. 1 B!@#$

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Hey! So this is chapter five! So, i know that this chapter Brooke and the guys were supposed to tell Halina something *wink wink* but... i decided that i'm going to do that scene next chapter! <3 This chapter was VERY fun to write! I hope you like it as much as i dooooo haha :) Thanks SOOOOOO much for being such amazing and supportive fans! I LOVE yall!!

 Slideshow of character -------------------------->




Accepted Ch.5


Halina's POV




I was sleeping peacefully in my bed, dreaming about being surrounded by giant mountains of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream. Until I was harshly pushed off of it and landed on the floor with a loud thud.

I groaned and slowly pulled myself up into a sitting position, glaring at Brooke who was practically having a seizure rolling around on my bed laughing her guts out.

"Brooke," I moaned ,"What the heck was that for?!" As her laughter subsided she sat up and stared at me, innocently.

"It's time to wake up and get ready for classes, sleepy head!" I looked at the clock on my nightstand; it was 7 a.m. and classes started at 9.

"And you couldn't have just shook me... why?" I asked.

A few giggles escaped her mouth and she said "Well duuuhhh! It's not as fun that way!" Growling, I got up from the floor and made my way into my bathroom. I turned on the water and stripped off my clothes. I sighed as I got in and felt the water cascading onto my back. Running my fingers through my medium, light brown hair, I wondered what my classes were going to be like. Would the teachers and students be nice?

I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. Then I went into my closet and got out a school uniform. I put it on and stood in front of a full length mirror; the uniform consisted of a white, short sleeved blouse, a light blue short vest with silver trim went over it, and a short skirt of the same blue colored vest. To make the look complete, I slipped on a pair of dark blue, two- inch heels.

I decided to leave my hair down, in it's natural curly state and put on a little eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. Brooke knocked on the door, warning me that I had 5 more minutes left. Finally, I left the closet feeling satisfied.

Brooke told me just to grab a backpack and we'd get my supplies from the school store after we picked up my schedule. We walked down to the main office which was in the same hall as the principle's. Sitting behind a pure white desk, typing away on the computer, was a cute old lady with blonde hair that was turning grey. She had icy blue eyes that hid behind huge, circular glasses perched on a small button nose.

As we approached, she looked up at both of us and smiled warmly. "What can I help you young ladies with this morning?"

"We need to get her schedule and supply list," Brooke answered, pointing at me. She gave me a once over and smiled again.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" she asked.

"Halina Davis," I told her. She gave me a nod and began to type furiously on the keyboard. The printer next to the computer started to beep and a paper came out of it. She grabbed it and held it out to me. Brooke took it from her hand before I did and was already studying it.

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