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"Riley?" Rose asks for whatmust have been the millionth time that night. Classes had resumed that morning and every single teacher had seemed on edge.

"Yeah?" i ask 

"You seem on edge" She replies

"Something isn't right here rose" i sigh "Something's going on. I just don't know what"

We were currently lying in our bedroom staring at the ceiling neither of us in the mood for sleeping but not in the mood for talking to anyone else either. 

There's a loud urgent knock on the door and after exchanging looks with rose i open the door to find james standing at the door. 

"What do you want teddy?" i ask "I thought boy's werent allowed in the girls tower."

"Not usually" He agrees "But everything is changing Riley"

"What's happening?" i ask instantly turning serious. 

"It's fred" He whispers as tears cloud his vision "Cloaked figures grabbed him whilst we were patrolling the entrance hall. They knocked me down full body binding curse. They....They took him,"

"What are you saying Teddy?" my voice broke as i speak. 

"The doors are locked. All entrances are blocked. There's no way out. The floo network is down" He was babbling now. "The professors are all at a meeting out of school. We have no contact with the outside world. We're locked in the castle"

"I meant fred" I yell over him as the tears rolled down my cheeks. 

"They've taken him." He whispers. 

"Who?" I ask in a similar tone. 

"Death eaters"

Ii don't remember what happened next. I remember screaming. Yelling. Kicking and punching anyone that came too close. To put it lightly i had a complete melt down. Finally i remember lying on my bed curled up into a ball hugging myself. 

By the time i feel ready to join anyone else the younger years are already in bed. I realise then i had forgotten all about anna. I walked into her room to find her sleeping peacefully. There was no traces of tears which either meant they hadn't told her. Or she hadn't had a mental break down.

I climb down the stairs to find all of us sitting there just staring at the fire that was slowly going out. 

James looked the worst. Of course he would. His best friend had just been kidnapped. He sat by himself staring out of the window. Rose sat with albus and scorpius none speaking a single word. Lilly, Anna and hugo were the only ones missing. 

"Have you told them?" My voice breaks the silence and it causes them to jump. 

Rose shook her head. 

"Good" i sigh taking a seat to myself. 

We return to the silence but they're staring at me. 

"What?" I ask 

"What are we going to do?" scorpious asks 

"We can't just sit here" i agree "Not whilst they have fred"

"So what should we do?" Albus asks. They were still staring at me?

"What?" i ask again "Am i meant to know?"

"You always seemed to be the one with a plan when we were younger" Rose mumbles. 

I run my hands through my hair. 

"Let me think...let me think...let me think" i kept repeating it over and over again whilst i thought of something. 

"So we have no contact what so ever to the outside world?" i ask 

"None what so ever" Albus confirms 

"Have we tried everything?" i continue "James do you still have the map your dad gave you?" 

He doesn't respond at the sound of his name but this time i let it slide. 

"Moving on. Prefects. Who's on?"

"Anderson and ryans for slytherin" Scorpious pipes up. 

"See if you can find them. Get them to get the rest of the seniors up. Rose hugo get the gryffindor seniors up. See if you can find the hufflepuff and ravenclaw prefects and get them to do the same. Raise the alarm but only to the seniors. Do not let any of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd years up ok? Get them to meet us in the great hall in an hour. I'll meet you there and we can discuss this further. James and i are going to go and inspect the corridors and doors"

They nod and instantly break off the follow orders whilst i walk across to james. 

"Hey" i say gently 

"Hey"He had been crying i could tell by his voice. 

"We need you here james." i tell him "Fred needs you to help us. i need you to help us. It wasn't your fault ok? They're a lot more experienced than us. But we can't do this without you. I can't do this without you"

He looks up at me from his seat "You still need the map?" 

"Yeah. we need the maurauders map"

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