Chapter Four

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Tobias' POV

What the hell just happened? What crawled up her butt? I was just joking with her. And squad of thots. Seriously? I am so confused about life. How can I make this better? By the way she was talking to me, she clearly hates me. I didn't think she'd go off. Somebody doesn't have a good sense of humor!

Who is messing with her? Sure as hell isn't me! I should just ask her. But how can I approach her. She clearly doesn't want to talk to me. She ran off so quick that I saw dust. I'll wait 'til she calms down.

Zaniyah's Pov

I have been sitting in my tree house for four hours just playing on my phone and watching movies on the portable DVD player I brought about a year ago. I'm so bored but I can't leave or my mom will know I skipped. I still can't believe I said that. This divorce has gotten to me.

"Zaniyah.... Can we talk? I saw you running out the school and I was just coming to check on you."

I know that voice. That's Dylan, Trixy's brother. How in the world did he find me? Well, if I don't say anything maybe he'll think I'm not here and go away.

"Zaniyah, seriously. Are you really gonna make me go up there?"

I stayed silent, praying he would get the hint and go away. Why is he out of school anyway?

"Hi Zaniyah!" Dylan said from behind me. How did he get up here so fast?

"Go away Dylan, please, I want to be alone."

"Nobody wants to be alone."

"Did you seriously just quote Frozen?"

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't!"

"Nerd!" I say while playfully punching his arm, giggling.

"Hey, you caught the reference so that makes you just as much a nerd as me."

"......Touche." I say while rubbing my imaginary beard.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You just did."

"Smart alec" he mutters under his breath thinking I couldn't hear him.

"Okay, fine ask me."

"Do you want to be my girlfriend? You don't have to say but I rea-

I cut him off, "Yes you big oaf!"

"I complet - wait did you just say yes?"

"No." I say trying to maintain a serious face. I failed miserably.


"Well, now I'm your douche."

"Indeed you are!" He says while leaning in to kiss me.

I find myself leaning in as well. We kiss and it feels right. And surprisingly, he is a really good kisser. He licks my bottom lip. Me being me I keep my lips sealed. He groans and decides that would be the perfect time to lift me up and set me on his lap. I squealed from the action. He quickly plunges his tongue in my mouth. We're wrestling for dominance and I am not giving in. I win. Don't be surprised girls can be dominant to.

I pull away to breath because, not to sound cliche but, that kiss took my breath away. He pulls away too.

"WOW!" We say at the same time. He leans his forehead against mine and chuckles.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"My sister is going to kill you for running away."

"Your right. But why are you thinking about your sister after our make-out session?"

"I have no fudging clue. But we should go."


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