Chapter 2 - The Decision

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Toxiclimitedtrader sat there in his dim room, rereading the message over and over, his palm sweating like a geyser. His eyes steamed making it hard to see through his glasses. 

Toxiclimitedtrader deleted the picture, but just as he clicked the delete button, Kaden was quick to respond. 

"You think that will do anything? Try that again, and I will live stream your picture in my group to 300,000 other people", he texted back, sending back into the chat Toxiclimitedtrader's deleted picture, with his bare butt cheeks exposed. 

Toxiclimitedtrader was furious, so he decided to eat another hamburger (which was located under his desk). As he ate, the hamburgers crumbs sloshed out of his mouth, shooting out of his mouth onto his keyboard like a spray can. Crumbs were falling left and right, like soldiers dying in battle.

 (The image could be seen above)

Finally Kaden texted again, "You have one minute to  make your final decision." 

Quickly, Toxiclimitedtrader realized he had no other choice. He had to join his group. Obeying, he typed back, "I choose to join your group, I will follow your instructions." He hit the send button, and waited like a toilet needing to be unclogged. Kaden would be his plunger, unleashing his fecal feelings. 

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