Chapter 21: Not My Name

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I ran back to the house to find a blood bath. Erik Reynolds was lying lifeless on the ground with the safe room's door open. The team was now looking at me wondering what I had done. I told them "I took care of it" then told them we had to run before more agents came our way. Emma joined me in my SUV whilst Henry and Derek went in theirs.
We headed back to base where we all went over everything with Williams. He hated that it was messy but was still content that the ultimate goal was achieved. The team went their separate ways. I rushed into James' room and told him everything. I told him I had hope that SHIELD would rescue us. He seemed to have a tiny shred of hope now too. I hugged him before sitting back on his couch.
I showed him the picture of Erin and I. I stared at it for a while wondering if her and agent Hill were okay. I was just glad I didn't have to hurt the woman I tried so hard to protect. I leaned on James' shoulder before calling it a night and crawling into James' bed. I immediately fell asleep from the stressful day I had. With my exhaustion getting the best of me, I didn't notice James, who was sitting beside me on the bed when I closed my eyes, was admiring my sleepy form. He covered my body with the comforter and watched me sleep soundly on his bed before falling asleep himself.

Two days after the incident at the Reynolds' household I still had heard nothing from the agent who spared me. I grew anxious knowing we only had a few days before we were to meet another head of HYDRA. James and I decided we would fight before that happens. We hoped for SHIELD's rescue, but if they didn't show, we would take them on our selves.
    The team avoided me as much as possible. We only shared awkward glances and tried not to have much conversation. I couldn't tell if they were upset I had killed one of their own or if they were simply afraid of me. Emma would sometimes strike up a small conversation with me to fill in awkward silence if we were in the same room together. Henry always kept a straight face with me, but I knew he hated me for taking his friend away. And Derek couldn't even look at me especially when I was with James. The environment at the base was more unpleasant than before.
Williams stayed close to me as to make sure I was loyal to HYDRA. He said that when I arrived at the other base where James' handler was, I was to be examined by a Doctor Strucker, who apparently was highly knowledgeable with enhanced people.

The next day more agents arrived at the base getting ready for our transfer. Seeing different agents on the base was worrisome. Knowing that there were so many more of them, a plague, made me fear for our escape. That maybe if we made it out, there'd always be someone looking for us. It was odd since we still had a few more days until we had to leave. James and I didn't plan for this. I grew nervous at the thought of having to fight so many off, but I'd rather take my chances than get submitted into more torture with James.
Everywhere I went, agents were watching me. I saw at least ten new faces. There were probably more that I still hadn't seen. Williams had told me that morning that he'd be out during the afternoon. He ordered me to stay alert and on base until he got back.
    I spent most of the day training with James. We did our best to analyze the agents and plan our escape, but it was difficult with so many eyes on us. He would get close to me and pretend to give me pointers on my fighting stances in order to talk about a plan without anyone overhearing. We decided to wait until the next night to try our escape. The team would be gone, Williams would be asleep, and the extra agents would be easy to take down if we kept an eye on their routine. A part of me was scared, but another part felt confident. We were both the strongest soldiers HYDRA had, so getting out of there wouldn't be so difficult... Or so I thought.
    Later that afternoon when James and I were practicing my Russian in the common room. Henry came in with a imperious attitude. He ordered me to go to the interrogation room by Williams' office, saying it was Williams' orders. I did as he told me and followed him to the interrogation room. We walked to the hallways where the room was and found Derek and Emma waiting outside of it. He opened the door for me and closed it behind us, leaving the other team members in the hallway.
I walked into the chilling room. Only the two back lights were on, giving the room a dark and macabre look. Four agents were awaiting me. Two of them stood in front of something, or rather someone, on the floor that was grunting in pain. The other two stood in the back corners of the room with guns in their arms. Henry broke the ominous silence.
"You didn't take care of it as you had said." He stated.
I looked at him confused as the first two agents stepped aside to reveal Erin Reynolds horrifyingly injured on the floor. Her face and clothes were dirty. One of her high-heels was broken. She had a black eye, a bloody nose and lip. Her whole body was bruised as she propped herself on her knees. She begged me to help her and let her out. Henry stood between us and handed me a gun. He walked behind me and whispered in my ear to finish my mission and prove my loyalty. I didn't hesitate to point the gun knowing I wouldn't bring myself to pull the trigger. A single tear sped down my face as she begged for mercy. Henry taunted his orders again.
    "Close your eyes. This will be over quick." I told Erin.
Sobbing, she obeyed and shut her eyes. I took a step closer to her and lifted my weapon up and pulled the trigger. I fired at the two agents closest to her. I pulled her to her feet and pushed her behind me as the other two agents pointed their guns at us. My eyes analyzed their movements. I put my weapon down on the ground and put my hands up in surrender. As soon as they got closer to begin our detainment, I grabbed one of them and used him as a shield as the other shot us. I shot back and soon we had four dead guards in front of us. Soon after the gunfire quieted, the rest of the team busted in and surrounded Erin and I. They waited for me to make a move.
"We don't want to hurt you Vixen," Emma said.
"Vix, c'mon. You know I don't want to do this." Derek followed.
"That's not my name." I bluntly said.
I lunged at them with a pocket knife I had hidden in my workout gear. I was now fighting the team I had trained with. Even after prohibiting myself from growing any attachments, these were the people I somehow grew to care for. I glided away from their fists and kicks all whilst keeping Erin at a safe distance. I soon had all three of them down. Henry was the most enraged and managed to pull himself up.
"He was right about you...Kai. He knew you'd betray us. That's why you got rid of him" He said between grunts.
Henry had another gun I hadn't seen, but before I could react, Erin had picked up the gun I had placed on the floor and shot his back. She let out a gasp and was trembling at the scene before her. I carefully took the gun from her and hugged her. I assured her everything would be okay. Grabbing her hand, I took her out of the room and headed to find James.

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