Chapter 1

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Ever since middle school Hongjoong has always wanted to form a band. Now that he was twenty three that dream was somewhat a reality, but a very harsh one. Hongjoong along with his childhood friends Yunho, Yeosang, Mingi, and Wooyoung started a band when they were in their junior year of highschool called Desire. Hongjoong was the lead singer and main writer for the band, Yunho and Wooyoung were the guitarist, Yeosang as the bassit, and Mingi on the drums. Throughout the rest of highschool school Hongjoong and his friends performed for small gigs at their school or if they were lucky at a local bar, but they have yet to catch the eye of anyone that could take their band to the next level. It wasn't that their band sucked, everyone was very good at playing their instruments and Hongjoong's voice was unique and their songs were very good, it was just that for some reason not many people realized that and it frustrated Hongjoong beyond belief. Even now that everyone was in college they were still only doing small gigs. They were still performing at bars every saturday night, but popularity wise they still remained about the same. As of now Desire's fanbase consisted of teens that used fake IDs to sneak into the bars, and drunk adults who had a rock phase at one point in their life, not really Hongjoong's and his bandmates targeted demographic.

Currently it was saturday night which meant that Hongjoong and his bandmates had a gig. Hongjoong was in the dorm that he shared with Yunho and Mingi getting ready for the gig. Hongjoong looked in the mirror as he added the finishing touches to his makeup, which was a red eyeshadow look with star gems placed underneath his eye. He had on lip gloss with a soft pink tint and glitter making it hard to not stare at his lips. Both ears had an array of earrings and he was wearing a red velvet choker with a rose charm hanging off of it. His nails were also freshly painted black. One thing Hongjoong loved about being in a band was he could wear whatever he wanted, the outfits and makeup adding to his confidence onstage. As he gave himself a once over in the mirror there was a knock on the door. "Come in" Hongjoong shouted as he went over to his bed where his leather jacket was laying. The door opened revealing his best friend and bandmate Mingi.

Hongjoong turned to him raising an eyebrow, "I see you and Yunho had some fun before our gig" he said, his eyes going to the hickey on Mingi's neck. Mingi rolled his eyes as he leaned against the door frame crossing his arms over his chest. "We both know how possessive he can get sometimes because of these gigs, and I don't mind he makes the prettiest hickeys" Mingi's deep voice rang through the room. Hongjoong chuckled, shaking his head as he slips his jacket on, "You are so whipped for him" he muttered as he grabbed his phone slipping it into his pocket. Mingi just shrugged, "If you had a boyfriend like Yunho you'd be whipped too" he admitted. "Hmm I think it's just you, my cute baby" Hongjoong teased, calling Mingi the nickname Yunho calls him. Mingi and Yunho have been a couple since senior year of high school. Honestly, everyone in the friend group knew they liked each other, but the two of them were just too scared to confess to each other. It wasn't until one night when Yunho and Mingi got a little too drunk, the two of them making out with each other before passing out on the couch holding each other. Of course when they woke up they were both confused as to what happened until memories began to flood in causing both talls boys to blush before they finally admitted that they have feelings for each other.

"Shut up...and we gotta go Yeosang and Wooyoung are already waiting for us in the car" Mingi quickly spoke before leaving the room. Hongjoong grabbed his backpack that had everything else he needed. A water bottle, towel to wipe his sweat off, his wallet, and lyric book that he always carries with him in case he gets inspired to write. Slinging it over his shoulder he walked out his room to the living room where Yunho was waiting with his guitar case slung over his shoulder, he was also holding Mingi's drum sticks. The blue haired male took the case from him replacing it with his hand. "Alright let's go!" Yunho shouted as the three of them left the dorm heading to the parking lot where the rest of their bandmates were waiting Once they got to the car, Yunho quickly slipped his guitar case in the back placing it carefully on top of Yeosangs base before getting in the car. Once everyone was seated, Wooyoung who was in the driver's seat turned to look at everyone, "You guys do realize that if we are even a second late we lose our spot right?" he asked sarcastically. Yunho rolled his eyes, "We weren't even that late, now if you really want us to be on time then I suggest you start driving huh?" Yunho countered. A chuckle left Yeosang's lips causing Wooyoung to shoot him a glare. Wooyoung started the car, backing out the parking spot before making his way to the bar. The bar they were performing at tonight was called Utopia, and it was one of the few bars that reached out to them asking if they could perform.

They arrived at the bar in record time, Wooyoung sort of breaking the speed limit as he drove. The group walked into the bar, equipment in hand as Hongjoong walked over to the owner to let him know of his bands arrival. Once he checked in he signaled to his members letting them know they can take the stage to set up. The drums and microphone are already in place since Hongjoong and Mingi don't have their own yet. The band walked up to the stage, their set starting in twenty minutes. The clinking of glasses and the loud chatter of customers were all that could be heard as everyone was setting up. Hongjoong adjusted the microphone stand to his height. Mingi sat at the drums adjusting the seat till he was comfortable, taking out his drumsticks giving each piece of the drum a testing tap to make sure everything sounded good. Yunho and Wooyoung were busy setting up their guitars, plugging them into the amplifiers each giving their guitar a few strums, tuning them as they saw fit. Yeosang was also setting up his bass, making sure his bass was properly tuned. After a couple of minutes the lights flickered twice indicating that it was almost showtime.

Hongjoong gathered up his bandmates everyone getting into a huddle, arms over each other. "Alright guys, let's give everyone the best fucking perfomance that they'll ever see." he said a glint of determination showing in everyone's eyes, as they nodded in agreement. "We'll start with our Careless Whisper cover, slide into Desire, and finish off with Inception" he told them. Everyone nodded, the air around them buzzing the anticipation and excitement as they were so close to performing. Even though their band wasn't as big as they hopped each and every one of them performed like it would be their last, because with how their popularity was going it might be. Hongjoong stuck his hand into the center of the huddle, everyone placing their hands on top of his. "I love my Desire on three!" Hongjoong shouted. "1...2...3..! I LOVE MY DESIRE" everyone shouted before breaking, going to their respective spots. The lights flickered one more time, Hongjoong tapping on the mic to get everyone's attention. "We are the band Desire, and I hope you enjoy our performance tonight" he introduced.

Once he heard Yunho strum the first note on the guitar, Hongjoong transformed. The glint in his eyes became dark, he licked his lips as he wrapped his hand around the mic, the first words to the song leaving his lips. Hongjoong always became a different person on stage, it was as if he was possessed. He came flirty and a little cocky as he sang, making eye contact with the audience, his voice was mesmerizing as he put his emotions into the song. He'd also interact with his members. Wrapping his arm around Yunho's shoulder, or getting close enough to Wooyoung's face where it looked like the two males would almost kiss. Hongjoong would lean against Yeosang resting his head against his shoulder as he sang, or he would stand near Mingi's drums moving his head along as his bandmate played them. Once the ending of the last song finished, Hongjoong and his members were drenched in sweat. Mingi has taken his shirt off towards the beginning of the second song, his blue hair hanging in front of his eyes as he gulped down his water. Hongjoong was breathing heavily his makeup smeared slightly from the sweat, his hair sticking to the back of his neck as he chugged his water as well.

Their performance went well, the band got some praises as well as some of the members getting asked for their number. Although this caused Yunho to glare at a few people his arms possessively wrapped around Mingi's waist after the drummer slipped his shirt back on. "Since we did such a great job tonight how about we all get shit faced drunk?" Wooyoung suggested as he placed his guitar back into the case. "Sounds like a good idea, but how would we get home?" Yeosang asked, zipping up his bass case. Wooyoung rolled his eyes, "We can all just go to my and your dorm and get drunk there" he said as if it was the most obvious answer. "I'm down, getting drunk after destroying the drums is always fun" Mingi said. "I'm down too, this week has been stressful with all the assignments and shit, so I definitely need a drink" Yunho agreed. Everyone turned to Hongjoong with expectant looks in their eyes, the singer chuckled, "Of course, tonight was great we all deserve to get shitfaced" Hongjoong said with a big grin on his face. Wooyoung wrapped his arms around the males shoulder a big grin spreading across his face, "Fuck yeah! Best leader ever" He shouted, causing everyone else to chuckle. Once the band gathered all their instruments up into Wooyoung's car piling in. the rest of the night consisted of drinking, eating unhealthy food, and Mingi blushing like a manic due to his drunk boyfriend. 

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