Chapter 17

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It was officially the week of the debut showcase for Desire, the official day a few days away. Seojoon was finally ready to enact the rest of his plan. For the past couple of weeks he has been observing Hongjoong, getting his routine, even watching the male as he slept. Seojoon was also observing to see the exact relationship between the human and his brother confirming what he was thinking when he saw them at the aquarium hearing his brother almost telling the human that he loved him. Seojoon scoffed at the thought when he first heard Seonghwa nearly say those words, but it would make what he was about to do all the more fun. Seojoon walked into the dark bedroom where Hongjoong was sleeping in, curled up in the blanket, his breathing soft as he slept. Seojoon's red eyes glowed in the dark as he ran a sharp nail along the males cheek, Hongjoong shifting a bit. "I see why you're so special to my brother, too bad I have to take you away from him" he murmured. Seojoon leaned down till his face was inches from Hongjoong's, the humans mouth was open slightly as he breathed. Seojoon's eyes turned black covering the entirety of his eye leaving no white or red. He opened his mouth a cloud of black smoke slithering out in a snake like fashion as he went over to Hongjoong entering through his mouth. Once the smoke had fully gone inside of Hongjoong, Seojoon closed his mouth his eyes returning to their red color as he stood up. Seojoon stared at Hongjoong stared at Hongjoong for a little bit longer, watching as his breathing picked up, his body twitching. Seojoon smirked at that, it meant what he did worked and his place was officially in full motion, and he disappeared.

The next morning Hongjoong woke up exhausted, for some reason in the middle of the night he kept having these terrible nightmares that would wake him up each time he tried to go back to sleep. Hongjoong sighed sitting up rubbing his eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them. When he stepped out of bed he was hit with a wave of dizziness, causing him to stumble forward, but he caught himself on his nightstand. After about a minute he was perfectly fine, standing up slowly. He chalked up what had happened to him being tired and made his way to the bathroom to shower. Hongjoong turned the shower on, stripping off his clothes as he waited for the water to heat up. When he looked at himself in the mirror he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion when he saw the mark on his chest looked different. Around the flower there were black vein-like markings spreading across the right side of his chest. "What the fuck?" he asked himself leaning closer to inspect the markings further, he really wasn't sure what it was but he thought it might have something to do with his contract between him and the demon, 'I'll ask him later' he thought to himself as he turned away from the mirror stepping in the shower.

~ a few days later~

The day finally arrived for Desire's debut showcase. Everyone had been working their asses off for this and they were buzzing with nerves and excitement. Currently everyone was waiting backstage in a waiting room , the venue was a small concert hall that many bands and other artist have performed in. "I still can't believe this is actually happening" Wooyoung said his voice showing his excitement. Yunho nodded, "it feels like yesterday we were sitting in Hongjoong's house in high school talking about forming a band" the tall male said a smile forming on his face as he remembered. Hongjoong also smiled at the memory, he really couldn't believe all this was happening. Everyone turned their attention to the door when their manager entered, "make your way to the stage, the show will start in two minutes" he said, everyone standing up. Hongjoong stuck his hand out, everyone placing their own hands on top of one another making a circle. "1...2..3.. I LOVE MY DESIRE!!!" Everyone shouted throwing their hands up before walking out the waiting room making their way back stage.

Seonghwa, San, and Jongho were sitting in the third row, the demons excited to see the bands performance. San was shaking his leg his eyes glued to the stage, "it's going to start soon" he squealed out when he saw the lights start to dim. Jongho was also excited to watch his boyfriend and his band perform knowing they will kill it. Seonghwa was just as excited but he was hiding his excitement much better than how two friends. The venue was all pretty full, some people who were already fans of the band and others who were curious about the new band that KQ was debuting. The lights fully dimmed, the crowd screaming excitedly as they saw silhouettes take their place on stage. The slowly turned on revealing Hongjoong and his bandmates, the crowd screaming once more. Hongjoong couldn't help but be shocked by how many people he saw in the crowd expecting only a few to show up. "Hello, we are the band Desire and we hope you enjoy our performance tonight!" Hongjoong said into the mic, a smile spreading across his face. Once he was finished with their introduction Mingi tapped his drumsticks together, Yunho strumming his guitar the performance officially starting. The setlist consisted of their classic song Desire since it was familiar to older fans. Then it transitioned to Horizon, next was Inception a song that showcased Hongjoong's vocals and had a killer guitar solo for Wooyoung and Yunho to show off their skills. After inception, there was a small break for the band members to drink some water and talk a little bit with the audience. Once the break ended the concert continued with Utopia, moving to Aurora and finally ending it with Mist a song that the band was performing for the first time, the song containing vocals from Wooyoung.

Once the show was over, the crowd cheered loving every bit of it, shouts of encore filling the room, causing everyone on stage to smile. "Do you guys really want an encore? You're not convincing us" Mingi said into his mic that was near his drums. The screams grew louder and Yeosang raised his index finger to his lips silencing everyone, once the crowd settled he spoke, "this will officially be our last song, please enjoy Dazzling light" he spoke into his mic, before Wooyoung started off the song. Once they finished the song the crowd cheered again, the band members coming forward to join Hongjoong at the front of the stage, slipping their hands into his. Everyone raised their arms, bowing to the crowd who continued to scream, Wooyoung blushing a bit when he could hear San's voice mixed in with the crowd. Once they finished bowing they all waved to the crowd, Mingi blowing them a wink and kiss earning a few high pitched screams from the girls. Even once they got off stage they couldn't stop smiling. "Did you hear how loud they screamed for us?" Wooyoung asked, wiping the sweat off his face and neck. Yeosang nodded after gulping down some water, "yeah, it was fucking crazy" he said the smile on his face not disappearing. Everyone's moods were high and not coming down anytime soon, they had just finished their first showcase and they were satisfied with how it went.

Seonghwa, San, and Jongho had made their way backstage, San running over to Wooyoung wrapping his arms around the male pulling him into a tight hug which the human reciprocated. "You guys did so well" the incubus squealed out once he pulled away from the hug. "I hope you heard me screaming" he added, to which Wooyoung nodded, "Of course I did baby" he said giving San a soft kiss. Jongho made his way over to Yeosang, holding a bouquet of roses a small blush on the demons face as he handed them to the human, "for you, you killed it on stage" he complimented. Yeosang took the flowers kissing Jongho softly, "they are beautiful baby" he said smirking when the demon blushed even more. Hongjoong made his way over to Seonghwa, wiping some sweat off his face. Seonghwa looked down at the human, "You were amazing out there, you deserved all the cheers" the demon spoke softly reaching out to stroke the males face. Hongjoong leaned into the touch smiling, "I couldn't have done it without you, so thank you" he said kissing Seonghwa's hand. Seonghwa shook his head, "with or without the deal you guys would've been famous, I just helped speed the processes up a bit" he replied back. Hongjoong hummed, he was about to say something when all of a sudden a wave of dizziness hit him harder than it had before. The male stumbled a bit, Seonghwa catching him with concerned eyes.

By this point Hongjoong was used to this, ever since he woke up a few days ago he's been having these dizzy spells which seemed to slowly get worse, but they never lasted more than a few minutes. This one however was worse than the others and he was not recovering. "Hongjoong?" Seonghwa's concerned voice rang through his ears. Hongjoong looked up, "Hwa..." he whimpered out, his head pounding. Seonghwa gasped, "your nose is bleeding" Seonghwa told the human. Hongjoong reached his hand up to his face touching the area under his nose, he could feel something wet on his fingers pulling back to reveal the tips covered in blood. Another wave of dizziness hit him, causing black dots to cloud his vision, his chest burning as well."Hwa...I think something is wrong" Hongjoong whispered out, before another wave hit him this one sending the male collapsing, Seonghwa's grip on the human tightening. "Joong!!" Seonghwa screamed out, crouched on the floor, the humans limp forms in his arms. At the sound of Seonghwa's scared voice, everyone turned to the two their eyes widening at the sight of their friend unconscious in Seonghwa's arms. Yunho was the first to rush over crouching down by Seonghwa, "what happened?" he asked his eyes going to the demons, seeing the worry in them. "I don't know he...he was fine then all of a sudden he stumbled...I noticed his nose was bleeding and next I know he collapsed" he explained voice growing with worry as he looked at the human in his arms.

When a pair of unfamiliar hands reached out towards Hongjoong, Seonghwa adubily growled at them pulling the human closer to his chest. Yunho gently placed his hand on the demons shoulder, "Seonghwa...the paramedics are here to take Hongjoong to the hospital" he spoke softly. Seonghwa looked towards the direction of where he heard the paramedics coming, looking at the person who tried to touch Hongjoong seeing it was their manager. Seonghwa looked down at Hongjoong, stroking a stray hair from his face. Seonghwa reluctantly let the paramedics take Hongjoong out his arms, his heart sinking at how limp the human was, before standing up as they placed him on the gurney. "I'm riding with him" the demon said to Yunho, the human nodding. "We'll meet you at the hospital" the tall male said, sending Seonghwa a sympathetic look. Seonghwa nodded, before following the paramedics out the building, climbing in the ambulance. The demon's hand slipped into Hongjoong's slightly cold ones, as the sirens blasted taking them to the hospital. 

My Desire (Seongjoong)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang