(y/n) joined?

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" Me? Being an assistant manager? I always messed things up, I can't be a manager. I will screw things up." (Y/n) says to herself in her room looking at the card that Nagi give her at the park.

"Well, no harm in checking the agency out, but for this request I will think about it carefully, but for now, let's sleep " (y/n) says and yawns and crawl to her bed and sleeps.

The next day~

The alarm clock rang and (y/n) just decided to shut her alarm clock up by pressing on the stop button.

"I have school right now, but I will check the agency later after school, but I heard this name before....Iori...isn't he in our class? But he is an idol... Is that why he don't come to our class often? I don't know" (Y/n) questioned herself before she change to her normal clothes and bring her bag pack and walked out of her house.

After a long walk, (Y/n) finally reached the school and decided to head straight to class.

After a long years or maybe hours... (Y/n) was so happy that the day is over...She has been dragging and whining a lot to herself since the classes are really boring to her since she knows almost everything and is ahead of everyone, after all, she studied at home too.

"Okay, time to check the agency out!!" (Y/n) says and dashed out of the classroom and goes straight to the agency location that said on the card.

"Woah, this agency looks really big!!! But I don't think it's as big as Yaotome production Agency right? After all, I don't remember hearing Takanashi Production Agency before anywhere" (y/n) says and walked inside to check out more.

"Woah!!!! The inside looks so coool! I hope they don't chase me away just like what Yaotome production Agency did to me" (y/n) says looking around to make sure she is safe before continue to walked even more inside.

"Hello, miss ! Can I help you?" A blonde hair girl says to (y/n) which shocked (y/n) because she was scared she got chased out again.

"Ahh, uhhh...I am fine...just uhh checking it out, yeahh!! " (Y/n) says worriedly and stutters a bit.

The blonde hair girl saw what (y/n) is holding and immediately knows what is going on.

"Wait...you have the card, you must have got it from Nagi-san! He told everyone about you, saying if anyone saw a girl with the card, tell him immediately" the blonde hair girl says.

"Ohh uhh yeah? " (Y/n) says scratching her head.

" Ohh, where are my manners, my name is Takanashi Tsumugi, you can call me Tsumugi! I am the manager of Idolish7 and we are still looking for Idolish7 assistant manager. As you can see, I am super busy with my work, so I can't take care of Idolish7 a lot which is why we need an assistant manager, since Nagi recommended you so highly, please be the assistant manager. I am sure you came here is because you want to be assistant manager right?" Tsumugi says.

"Ohhh uhh, actually I came here to check out how the agency looks like and feels like before deciding whether to join or not. But since you really needed an assistant manager so  urgently, then I don't mind joining" (y/n panicked and says.

"Ohhh what am I doing?????" (Y/n) thinks to herself thinking she panicked and screwed up.

"Oh my gosh, really?? You are a lifesaver miss!!!!" Tsumugi says and shakes her hand happily.

"Oh uhh hahah thanks? Anyways my name is (y/n)!! I guess it's a pleasure to be here then!" (Y/n) says shaking her hand back.

"Okay, fill out the details at the counter over there! I am gonna tell Nagi-san the news! I will be right back!!" Tsumugi says and run upstairs to tell Nagi the news.

(Y/n) walked to the counter and the receptionist at the counter there, immediately know what she is here for, so she take out the particulars worksheet for (y/n) to fill out her particulars.

"Here you go!" (Y/n) says after filling out the particulars and hand it to the receptionist. The receptionist thanked her with a smile and proceed to do her other work that she is tasked to do.

After a while, Tsumugi came back and pulled (y/n) upstairs which got (y/n) curious as to why Tsumugi just pulled her up without saying anything.

"Surprise!!!!!!! Congratulations on being our assistant manager of Idolish7!" The board says and all the Idolish7 says (ahem except for the Tsundere Iori that didn't really say to her) when (y/n) opened the door.

(Y/n) gasped and was surprised.

"Thanks guys!!!" (Y/n) says and smiles.

"Thank you for accepting my request! Mademoiselle" Nagi says and put his face on her hand as in respect.

"Nagi-san, you don't have to do that" (y/n) says and smiles.

"Oi! Nagi! Stop treating her like that, she just joined. She might be scared!" A orange hair guy said which happened to be Mitsuki, Iori older brother.

"Oh~ But Mitsooooki, it's what I do in my country~" Nagi says

"Yeah yeah I know, anyways I am Mitsuki, nice to meet you" Mitsuki says sighing at first before turning to (Y/n) greeting her with a smile.

"Thank you guys!!!" (Y/n) says with a smile once more.

"I am still not trusting you!" Iori says turning to her.

"I know that I suddenly join makes it look like it's suspicious, so I don't expect everyone to be kind to me, it's fine... Which is why I will earn your trust one day, trust me :) " (y/n) says and smile.

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