Knock Knock

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Every day in the Koçovali household was the same. Girls would stay at home all day, sometimes go to the public kitchen, at night watch TV and drinking tee and that was it. Melek missed her life in Paris so much right now. She used her apartment there only to sleep in, the whole day (and night sometimes), she'd be outside enjoying life. The only good thing about being kept in the house all day was that she was becoming closer to Koçovali's. Karaca finally started trusting her and opening up so her, which meant that time for revenge is almost here. The other girls were really nice to her as well, especially Efsun. They bonded with each other right away.

Melek heard knocking on the kitchen door. She looked around to see if Saadet was there but she didn't see anyone. Saadet was always insisting on opening the door, but since Melek was all alone she could've done it herself now. The door revealed Celasun. An instant smile crossed his face when he saw Melek.
„Yes?", asked Melek.
„I have to talk to Yamaç. Is he there?"
„No, Cumali and him left an hour ago. Can I help you?"
„Is it okay if I wait here for him?"
„Sure", said Melek and moved to the side so he can walk in. Celasun sat on one of the kitchen chairs and Melek joined him. „I'd offer you tea but I don't really know how to make it. Can I interest you in a really good conversation?"
Celasun smiled, „I'd love it."
„So, what do you do here for fun? Except for playing mafia", asked Melek with a smile on her face so Celasun doesn't take her wrong.
„We have really good bars here we sometimes go to."
„You mean pavilions?"
Celasun sttutered for a second, „I... I mean, well... yes. Sometimes we go there."
„Did you ever go sightseeing?"
„My own city?"
Melek nodded. „There are so many things to see in Istanbul and I bet you haven't seen all of them."
„I'm mostly here in Çukur."
„That's what I thought. So what do you say we go on a city tour today?"
„The two of us?"
„Is there something wrong with that?"
„No. No. Let's do it!", said Celasun with a smile.
Exactly the answer she was expecting. Celasun was one of her goals as well. Getting close to him meant getting to know what happened between Karaca and Azer. Melek was aware of Karaca's history with Celasun and she was eager to learn more about it. Neither Nedim or Kulkan supported her idea of getting close to anyone from Çukur but Karaca, but she was convinced she knew what she was doing.

 Neither Nedim or Kulkan supported her idea of getting close to anyone from Çukur but Karaca, but she was convinced she knew what she was doing

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Melek and Celasun were standing at the top of Kiz Kulesi, watching the city. The whole Istanbul looked like it could fit in their palm. Watching sunset from there was one of those things that can't be described but needed to be felt. After the long silence, Melek was the first one to say something.
„So, you were married", she said without looking at him. She kept her gaze at the beautiful golden sky of Istanbul. Celsun didn't say anything but surprisingly looked at her. She finally looked back at him and said „Karaca told me."
Celasun bowed down his head and closed his eyes as if he was living through his worst moments all over again. It's been two years since Akşın died and it still hurts the same.
„I'm sorry for your loss", said Melek and put a hand on his shoulder consoling him. Celasun nodded, still not finding courage to look her in the eyes. A single tear shed down his face. Now it wasn't just about Akşın, the whole hell he went through when he lost his brothers came back to him. Melek felt genuinely sorry for him. She could sense the heartbreaking pain he felt and she knew that feeling very well.
„I know how you feel and I know it never goes away. It just becomes normal over time."
Celasun looked at her. A weak, painful smile crossed Melek's face. „You get used to it and you think you're over it when you're laughing with friends or dancing at the bar. But as soon as someone mentions it, or you look at their picture, it's like you went back to the day you lost them", she continued. „The same pain in the chest that breaks your lungs when you try to breathe, the same numbness you felt that day, the same headache... it's all back."
Celasun leaned in and kissed her. Their lips, their tears and their pain became one. They broke off the kiss and looked deeply in each others eyes. A loud phone ringtone stopped the silence. They both twitched and distanced from each other. Celasun pointed finger to the phone as a sign he needs to take the call, and went to the other side. Melek moved a bit making sure she can hear the conversation. She felt such a relief when phone rang and saved her from an uncomfortable conversation after kiss.
„Yes, Meke and I found him", said Celasun over the phone, sparking Melek's interest. „The waiter said Kulkan comes there every evening."
Melek gasped hearing Kulkan's name. „Okay, tonight", Celasun ended the call.
„I have to go now", he said, coming back to Melek. „Let me take you home."
„Actually I'll stay for a bit", said Melek.
„I can't leave you here. Brothers will get mad and I won't be at peace."
„I'm not leaving you here."
Melek nodded and unwillingly went with Celasun. On the way home she tried to reach Kulkan on the phone. She had to warn him about Koçovali's coming for him.
„Is something wrong?", asked Celasun noticing her weird behaviour.
„No, no. Everything great. Do you mind stopping here for a second, I need to get something from the store. I'm back in a second."
Celasun pulled over. Melek got out of the car and entered the store almost running. She pretended to buy something as she was still trying to reach Kulkan.
„Miss Melek", he finally answered. „How can I help you?"
„Run. Go somewhere safe and don't come out until I tell you to. Koçovali's found you."
The shop's worker interrupted their conversation, „Are you Melek?"
Melek nodded.
„Celasun abi had to go. One of our boys will take you home."
„Where did he go?"
„With Yamaç and Cumali abi."
Melek nodded and whispered on the phone "Are you still there?" Kulkan confirmed. She heard two shots.
„Kulkan! Kulkan what happened?"
There was no answer.

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