Chapter five

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I once again opened my eyes this time i was still on four legs but i get smaller and lighter running to a window i jumped up and stared at myself

I was a cat.

i felt my eyes widened and my heart pound as i am realized i would see eiji soon, I moved quickly

In my past life I knew the streets of New york like the back of my hand but it had grown a lot but i still made it through easily.

In two days time i sat in front of eiji's house.

i moved quickly and jumped up to a window seal and looked in it was dark but full of color again, It was early in the morning and from many years i knew eiji loved having his window open and listen to the birds as the sun came up

hurrying to the back of the small house i felt a smile play onto my face as the window wa soren jumping through the crack i meowed and jumped to the ground.

as i jumped onto the bed i seen eiji sleeping, His hair was long now and new wrinkles formed on his head, I looked around the room and noticed pictures on the wall of him and me and shorter and sing and many more,

One catching my eyes of my old self, Buddy.

I looked back  at eiji and noticed the sweater I always wore was under his head and overtop his pillow. I almost scoffed as I moved closer to him.

I jumped onto his chest and stared at him and meowed. again and again until he groaned and opened his eyes slowly.

He gasped in surprise and shot up scaring me

"What in the world.." He paused for a second before starching ive ran spitting his glasses in,

"Another animal?"

He chuckled before he stared at me, "Ash, There's another one who looks like you."

I felt my heart quicken as he mentioned my name, I waited so long to hear it cross over his lips.

He laughed before falling back down and sighing in content.

Eiji took care of me for the third time for many years, I watched his hair slowly turn gray and more wrinkles seemed to appear on his face.

'I guess you're getting old huh, 59 now..' I thought watching him eat his cereal, He reached over and petted me.

"You're getting old Aslan.. I'm so scared to lose you like I did Buddy.."

'You won't lose me'

but a few days later when i fell asleep against eiji

I didn't open my eyes again.

The Two Searching SoulsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon