chapter six

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Some people are just not supposed to exist!

Kain is lucky  that am not a killer, or else he'd be six feet under by now!

I know you are all curious as to what is up between the two of us, but you are just about to find.

I was about nine ,and my little brother Ricky two , when my Dad left us for his mistress, whom he already had a two children with,and that's Kain and Jade. I was just a child, but I was kind of glad that he left because all he ever gave my mum was pain and misery.

He was never home, and when he was the house was full of chaos!

My mum didn't want to give up on their marriage, and so she refused to divorce him. My Dad din't take that well and had the audacity to bring his mistress and both her children to stay with us in our own house!

Can you believe that?! 

My father is the cruelest Man I ever met!

The house was chaos before, but now it was a battle field! With me and Kain always fighting over everything, and his mum, doing everything necessary to trouble my mum so she could give up and leave the house, but that didn't happen.

My mum never knew how to fight for herself,or her rights as the legal wife, and that made things much easier for Patricia, Kains mum.

Four years later, she couldn't take it anymore and committed suicide.

I still don't understand why she didn't think about us before doing that. How could she just leave us to deal with all this madness?!

Wouldn't it have been much easier for her to divorce Dad and leave the house instead of taking her own life?

I mean,what kind of mother leaves her kids in the hands of a merciless step mum?!

I had so many questions in my mind that I myself contemplated suicide. I thought about it for a few weeks but the thought of leaving Ricky alone,  brought me back to my senses.

I remember telling myself that I wouldn't be a coward like my mother. I chose to live for me and Ricky no matter how rough the road got.

After a month of my mother's passing, Dad was shameful enough to marry  Patricia. They continued with their lives happily like nothing happened!

Now that Patricia was in charge of the house, she made sure to make my life hell. First she took away my room,and almost all the nice stuff that I owned, and gave it to her precious son Kain! Then she made me more of a worker in my own house.

She made me wash all the cars in the house, whether they were dirty or not, and even made me work at my Dads company by carrying heavy loads, after school!

She said that she wasn't Mother Teresa , who helped out the poor ,and I had to work for my brothers and my stay there.

She even went to the extent of poisoning my Dog Pritty, just for the fun of it. Pritty was a present from my mum on my seventh birthday, and that really tore me apart.

All this time, my Dad watched everything silently, not saying a word!

Anyway, I didn't mind all that, but later on I realized I had to do something when she started  harassing my little brother too.

There was no way i was going to let her torture my brother, and so I decided to move in with my grandma. She was my Dad's mum, and she never supported his relationship with Patricia.

A few months after id moved, my Dad came and apologized begging us to move back in with him, but of course there was no way that was happening!

Him coming to get us was  really weird and suspicious, since he didn't give a damn about us.

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