Top Five Most Humiliating Things That Have Happened With My Crush

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Humiliating Thing #1: We were playing soccer in gym class. In the middle of winter. Yes, our gym teacher is immensely cruel. Anyways, there was like two feet of snow. So I was trying to get the soccer ball from my crush, (let's call him Sean), because I'm extremely competitive, and I may have, er, crashed into him and sent him flying into the snow. Oops.

Humiliating Thing #2: Sean informed me that he knew about my crush last year. Then he waggled his eyebrows and said he ships me with the other guy. Oh goodie.

Humiliating Thing #3: My class was being forced to play a game similar to tag, so I was running, and I fell. Right on my butt. And he was watching. Imagine the embarrassment. 

Humiliating Thing #4: Sean absolutely ADORES basketball. So I was trying to impress him with my non-existent basketball skills. I tried to throw the basketball into the hoop, but it hit the backboard and flew straight at my face instead.

Humiliating Thing #5: I was having a conversation with Sean about Disney movies, (Don't ask me why, I have no idea), and he said he always liked Tangled. So then I very cleverly blurted out, "I have a HUGE crush on Flynn Rider! He's so RUGGED!" 

Anyways, I have no chance with him anyways. (Don't try to encourage me with inspirational words. It will not help. Instead maybe share your own embarrassing story to make me feel better about mine. *Laughs evilly*)

Which one sounds the most humiliating? It's hard to choose between these options.  

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