you left your diary at my house

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Pov: Bella

"hey Ed" I said. Edward looked mad af, I really don't know why. Jacob never gets mad at me only if I talk about Edward. "you left your diary at my house and I read those pages, how could you? I always knew you were a stupid hoe!" he said. oh shittt I didn't think he would ever see that! I mean how could he read my diary that's so rude omg. doesn't he respect my privacy! I'm the victim here! "EDWARD HOW COULD YOU!" he looked as if he was about to slap me "NO HOW COULD YOU! I RISKED EVERYTHING FOR YOU BUT YOU JUST PLAY GAMES WITH ME AND MY FAMILY I HATE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" ugh he really was mad at me so stupid. "I'm out if you can't respect my god damn privacy you can just leave!" I ran away waiting 'till he called me back. but he never did. 

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