I know DAMN well pt. 1- Beginning of smut

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Based on Karl's second Kinoko Kingdom Stream because it needed to be made into a Wattpad story (Not sorry lol)

CW: Choking and degradation

The fiances slept peacefully on their small bed in Kinoko Kingdom library. It was still under construction and was very drafty from the lack of door. Sapnap slept in the middle of the three, essentially the only thing keeping all of them from toppling off. Karl was nestled in his arm and Quackity was splayed and snoring way so loud it was a wonder anyone was sleeping at all. Yes... peaceful indeed.

TIMESKIP (lol my laziness is showing)

Karl awoke and felt around the bed for his lover, weary and sleep blind. The bed was empty and Karl groaned from the loss of touch. He got up and put on a baggy hoodie and sweats like everyday, then went to go find his other two thirds.

He walked out of the building and listened for the sarcastic quips of Sapnap and the cute, high pitched laugh of Quackity. Instead, he got greeted with his fiances full on making out in the middle of the clearing. Sapnap had Big Q pushed up against a tree, his tongue fully in his mouth, tracing every bit.  As soon as they noticed Karl they broke apart quickly and tried to pretend nothing happened even though he saw everything. 

"Wtf! Makeout session without me?!?" Karl whined in his cute begging voice. Quackity softened and went to comfort Karl but he was pushed away by the angry muffin (wow BBH reference in a smut chapter, i have no shame >:)). "No comfort! I don't like you guys anymore!" He playfully stomped off, leaving the other two in in shock.

The day went on like usual after that. Well, aside from Karl leaving a sarcastic comment or a bossy statement every other sentence. They worked on farming mushrooms in the farmhouse, watched the squid at Squid Lake, and built more of the library. When they got to doing the inside wall, Sapnap had had quite enough of Karl's bullshit. 

"Make me a furnace now, Sapnap!" Karl stormed up to the raven-haired man and sassily put both hands on his hips, still meaning for this to be a joke. Sapnap felt his face get red from anger, nudged over the breaking point by his pushy partner. "I know damn well you're not talking to me" Sap grabbed the man's neck, making sure not to hurt him though. Quackity came up behind Karl and snatched his waist, pinning his body so he couldn't move.

Karl stuttered, knowing exactly what he was getting into. His entire plan was to get his fiances riled up, but Karl was still a bit scared at what they would do next. Suddenly, Sapnap rammed his lips against Karl's, starting a heated make out session. Quackity bit and sucked at his lover's neck, making hickeys that marked the boy as theirs. Quackity found one spot, right at Karl's exposed jawline, that made Karl moan into the kiss with Sapnap. "You like that you little slut, trying to tease us all day? You deserve the punishment you are getting."

SORRY FOR THE CLIFFHANGER! I left y'all waiting for long enough and decided to split the chapter in 2. Sowwy :,(

Words: 548

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