The beating

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Author's Quote

The best of meetings, gatherings are those we do solely for the sake of Allah.

Zayd's Pov

I quickly made my way to my car and opened the door for Simran. Bending my head a little bit ,I uttered playfully"Can you please enter Simran love?" Which made her to punch me on my chest ."Do I look like your wife?"She asked and made her way in immediately. Clossing the door,I replied her "Off course you do."

Without waiting for her comments,I made my way in too,buckled up my seat bet and drove off."See me see trouble oo.You better settle down."She said sternly. "Settle down you mean?I've done that already now ,you can also see I'm seated and it's even impossible to drive without sitting down"I replied her innocently doing as if I did not understand her words

"You are not serious. It's me you want to be kidding right? Answering me in another way round as if you did not know what I meant . "

"Here we go again Simran,why are you guys forcing me in to marriage?I could still remember yesterday night when Mom and Dad called me down as if they have an important task to give me. But when they finally spoke up ,they were like we've sent a proposal to Umm Yesmin on your behalf."I spoke up disgustingly.

"Really? You meant to say Dad and Mom already asked for Yesmin hand in marriage on your behalf?"Asked Simran excitedly.

Rolling my eyes at her ,I said"You better keep that excitement face to yourself because Yesmin is a no go area for me."

"Never say never."She corrected. "Besides everyone of us knows how affectionate she is to you right from childhood."She added.

"Exactly,and that's my greatest fear."I poured out my mind to her ,yes, Yesmin affections towards me at times scared me , sometimes,I did not know whether I should be happy about seeing a lady so much in love with me and it sometimes made me to caution myself that I need to be careful with her.

Well ,you might be wondering who she is to me ,she is my cousin ,mom immediate younger sister daughter but the way she was raised up is really different from the way we were raised up.

She's totally a spoiled brat,her being the only child of my aunt and her husband made them to spoiled the hell out of her to the extent that if she should asked for the sky,they would surely hire a staircase to the heaven just to get it for her.

I could still remember our childhood memories in which Yesmin cried all nights only because she asked for ice-cream around 12:am ,her mom told her that there's no way for her to get ice-cream at that time of the morning because everyone would have slept off at their various homes but made tea for her instead.

That was how she beginned her tantrums ,poured the tea on her mother angrily which surprised my mom and made her to query her upbringings "Is this the way you're raising your child only because she's the only one?Did you think she would turned to four with all this . This is not how to raise a child let me tell you ooo."

Still,her mom didn't give any damn to what my mom said and chosed to pet her daughter instead ,that was how both of them lasted for the whole night and Aunt quickly went out the next day immediately we are through with our sallah just to get her the ice-cream she asked for.

Is that how I would also be staying awake all night just to placate her when ever she asked for some things at the wrong times?

"Zayd what are you thinking?"Simran voice brought me out of my thoughts and only then did I realized that I've almost hit a car ."Subhanallah."I murmured and quickly drove the car to the right hand side of the road ."You better drop the car at home till you know how to drive well."commented the other driver."Really sorry."I apologized sincerely and continued my journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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