My Best Friend's Boyfriend // ONESHOT

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He wouldn't stop staring. He COULDN'T stop staring. I could feel his eyes over me as I read over the menu in front of me. I didn't know if I felt uncomfortable or not that my best friend's boyfriend can't take his eyes off of me. 

I mean, it's not like this is the first time this has happened. I've hung out with my best friend, Jess, and her boyfriend Colby plenty of times, and every time, he's always watching me, checking me out. 

He makes it a point to be near me all the time when we're all hanging out and for some reason, Jess doesn't even notice. I smiled to myself a little. This feels wrong, knowing Colby wants me when he's seeing my best friend but I can't help it. 

He's an amazing guy. He's chill. He's outgoing. He's hot. And all I brought with me today is a kid I work with that likes me. This double date was planned last minute and I couldn't think of anyone else to bring. 

I chuckled a little to myself and took a glance over at Colby as I flipped the page of the menu. I caught his eyes, he was "looking" at the menu as well. I saw him shift a little from the corner of my eye, fixing the jacket he had on. 

"So, Kayla," My date asked me. I looked up at him and he had a huge grin on his face. "What will you be having tonight?" Connor was a strange boy, but he was really nice, sweet, cute, but not really my type. He sure does like me though and me taking him out tonight probably made him so happy. 

I smiled. "Uhm, I'm not sure yet." Is all I said back. He smiled and nodded at me from across the table. A few minutes later the waiter came up and I just ordered myself a salad. 

After ordering we all sat and chatted for a while. Well, Connor did most of the chatting, talking about nonsense about our job that I didn't even understand. I sighed to myself and rested my head in my hand.

 As I listened to Connor talking I nodded and tried to be as involved as I could. I felt Colby's eyes again though. I looked over at him now and he was leaned back in his chair facing Connor a little but his eyes were fixed on me. He had the smallest content smile on his face as I watched his eyes map out my face, then land back on my eyes. 

I bit my lip a little then looked at my friend who was sat forward watching Connor talk with a genuine smile. They would be cute together, to be honest. But if she finds out about the tension Colby and I share, she would explode on both of us. 

I shuttered a little. This needs to stop. But I can't help it. I looked at Colby again. He was smiling a little bigger now as he watched me. I rose my eyebrows at him showing him that I could see him. He did the same thing back, which made me smile bigger. 

He smiled now too and I let out a little giggle. Both Connor and Jess looked at me. I held my lips together. 

"What's funny?" Jess asked looking at me then at Colby. 

Colby didn't even try to hide the smile on his face. "It's nothing, sorry," I said as I looked down smiling to myself. I twirled a piece of hair with my fingers. This is just so interesting, Colby is so interesting. 

I tried not to look at Colby the rest of the night. When our food came, it was quiet except for the sound of forks clanking.

The night ended early, about 8:30 PM and we all decided to head home. We walked out, the 4 of us together with Colby right by my side brushing me as we walked. Chills formed over my arms.

We walked to our cars, well Colby and Connor's cars, and said our goodbyes. I watched as Jess grabbed Colby's hand and pretty much dragged him to his vehicle.

I watched them get in and caught Colby's eyes one last time before he got in. I sighed and followed Connor to his car and got in as well. The drive home was short and after pulling into the driveway of my house, Connor insisted we get out and have a proper hug. 

My Best Friend's Boyfriend // Colby Brock ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now