chapter 3

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A couple mouths later it was the day hary and louis looked forward too for many mant weeks ,finding out the babys gender harry wants a girl and louis wants a boy . At 8 am louis woke up and rushed to the bathroom to be sick which woke harry up

" boo bear you ok ?" He saw louis messy brown hair , then a thumbs up telling him hes ok " we have to be at the doctors for 10 so we have about just under 2 hours " harry says with a smile

Once louis cleaned himself up louis jumped into bed and hary rubbed his belly which was massive at this point it was twice the size it was meant to be as he was having twins but they didnt know that , harry began kissing louis then louis mind began telling him to have the time of his life again before they have the baby so louis did just that he took off his pants and Harry's and they had the most fun in a while then before they knew it the time was 8:20 am , harry got up and made louis some toast as that's all Louis wanted that Moring but a lot of toast once ehary brought louis food to him he kissed louis belly mad kissed louis then harry hoped in the shower and after he raped the towel around himself and walked into there room and said

"Boo bear you can choose my top" he held up 2 tops and louis pointed towards the one he got him for his birthday then harry picked out one of his tops for louis as none of his fit any more but he doesn't mind

(From Harry's point of view)"I love when louis wears one of my tops it shows even though I'm younger than him in still taller , I love how they hang off him I can believe we are nearly half way done but 1 thing is louis bellys bigger than it should be at this point he literally is double the size omg what if we are having twins ? But at 1 we are meeting a tans gay couple who have been through what me and lou are going through so I need to remember that "

(From louis point of view) " I love harry hes the best boyfriend I could wish for "

They head downstairs and lou sees all the baby things on the sitting room and then says " ummmmmm ..... harry what is all of this omg the crib uve wanted for all my life " the smile on louis face made harry feel happy, then louis saw a tag " from dad " he texts his dad thanks

At 9:50 they set off to the hospital and go for a check up , they check lous blood pressure , hight , weight then finally the ultrasound

Dr Susan " hi ok louis I'm just going to put this jelly on your belly and we can get started " she looked and heard 2 heart beats " ummm .... " she paused which scared harry and louis and harry squeezed louis hand " guys your expecting twins also your 7 mouths along not 4 months that's strange to how we could get that wrong and baby a is a girl and baby b is a boy "

The news made harry and louis panic they had less time to get ready , louis rubbed the jelly off while the dr went and got the paintings harry and louis hugged tightly the she came back in handed them the baby scan then they send a photo to the dad and said " meet your new grand babys " he was so exited , there next stop was babys r us , they picked up many outfits, 2 prams , bottles , nappy, toys , dummys , cleaning supplies, formula and everything they could pick up now and car seats .

Louis then asked " can we go get some food we are starving " they headed to McDonald's then home

Once they reached home , louis went to help harry carrie in the bags but he told him to head inside .

Just as louis was reaching the end of his 7th month he began to get shooting pains but at this point harry still has 1 hour left at work so louis decides as ita way to early that the pains would go away so he takes a shower and changes into some soft clothes and grab one of harrys tops to stay with and hold he layed sofa for 10 minutes but they were only getting worse so he went to there room and packed a bag just incase they needed and placed it by the door , after about 40 minutes louis decides he needs to call harry but as soon as he gets in the room by his phone he falls to the ground in masive amounts of pain like he had just been stabbed a million times by a needle , louis stayed on the floor for 10 minutes before harry arrived home

" lou boo beat I'm home " harry shouts not having a clue what's really about to happen

"Ahhhhhhh! HARRY I NEED YOU NOW ! I RHINK ITS TIME ! " louis shouts from there room so Harry rushes in sweeps loui up and they grab the bag and place louis in the back of the car and hary began driving as fast as he can , louis still cried in unbearable pain " HARRY I THINK YOU REALLY NEED TO PULL OVER NOW THIS HURTS TOO MUCH FOR ME TO HANDLE " harry pulls over the most deserted side of the road and he opens he back of the car and then louis says " I think the babys coming like right this second "

Harry pulls down louis trouise to reveal that the baby was crowing well the baby , they still hadn't picked names louis grabbed the towels fro, the floor

Louis then said " harry one of our babys are crowing so we really need to get this baby out so on the count of three push as hard as you can "

Louis nods his head and grabs onto the seat

" 1......2........3........push " louis began pushing " and again 1.........2........3.......push " and again he pushed " last time lou "1.........2.......3.......push " harry layed his head down as he heared the baby cry it was there baby boy harry and lous both sighted with relief, hary took off louis top an layed there baby boy on his warm chest then harry kissed louis ,got back behind the wheel and they were 2 minutes from the hospital and louis had the next baby crowing so louis screamed " louis can you hold on or not we might have to deliver this second baby in the car if you can " louis nods his head and harry drove in as fast as he could and picked louis up and rushed him in as soon as the car door was locked

Nurse 1 said " hello what can I do for you ?"

Harry replied with " umm well my boyfriend has just delivered our son and now he abou to have our daughter "

"Oh my follow me " she walked really fast to a room and before you know it harry and louis where waiting ages so harry had to deliver baby number 2 there daughter

" right lou thell be ages so I'm gonna need to deliver thos baby on the count of three again " louis nodded his head " 1.......2.......3.....push " louis pushed " and again 1.......2......3......push nearly there and 1........2......3.......push " and there was a cry and a sigh of relief from louis and haz again and then the doctor walked in as harry was putting baby number 2 on there chest

" hi doctor weve already delivered both babys " says harry

" ok I'll send a nurse thought to them over "

Not to long after a nurse came in and checked them over while se did that they talked about baby names

" how about freddie for our son " said louis

" I love that name and how about Darcy for our daughter "

" I love that name "

They both agreed in there names and later that day louis was discharged so they headed home and harry said " if we have any more kids after this we aren't going to hospital I mean it I had deliver them both

Louis the says with a sad look " I'm gonna miss my pregnant belly but we'll have more kids in the future hopefully " harry smiled at the idea of havin more kids

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