chapter 14

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I know this is a story but there is a flash back to while hary was away

Harry's thoughts while away writing in a diary

Dear diary ,
I miss louis every day weve never been apart for this long I miss my kids also but I cry myself to sleep in my hotel bed I made 1 friend while here but I'm on the opposite side of the world at the minute I dont like it,  I cant wait to go home see noah, the twins and even louis , the boys too I had to go away I know they've been on tour , I missed it because I had to work this was a big client and hey had been booked for at least a year the woman had been planning to propose to her now fiance and I couldn't wait until me and lou got married got to go bye .

Louis thoughts

I lay in bed mostly every night sobbing but 1 thing I do every night is think about harry ,had he left me ? I didnt know I hadn't heard from him since the night before he left , I'm glad I have niall hes been there from the day we first met until now and we are still going strong,  when he moved and I did our mams became good mates like we did,  all the boys are me good mates . Once thinly about harry when I first met him , he was special like his Emerald green eyes , his curly brown hair which drops in front of his eyes , his smile and dimples make me smile , when hes down he calls himself ugly which hes not hes perfect in my eyes I love him with all my heart I hope he comes home .

Back to present day
Harry's POV

This moring I was extra tired but when I turned to see lou I couldn't see him so I shot up and began searching the house I found him scrunched and being sick over the toilet

" lou are you ok?" I asked quickly

" yeah haz I went to go get a drink and suddenly felt sick" he said bearly any energy

" lou go lie down on the sofa I'll make you breakfast and get you a pillow and blanket " he sighed

" fine " he cleaned himself up and headed to the sofa so I headed upstairs got him a pillow , a blanket and one of my shirts , i went downstairs and handed them to him .

" thanks haz " he said as he put on my top then I placed the blanket over him and the pillow behind

He tapped the blanket for me to down and I did then the teins brought noah downstairs and they sat down on the sofa next to the one we were sat on so I got up and went an made breakfast pancakes , once I was done I placed the kids on the table then gave Louis his and once we all finished I cleaned up and sent the kids upstairs to get ready for school at 7am and just as we were coming downstairs I heared louis snorring lightly on the sofa with the biggest smile on his face , his face almost buried in my shirt . I didnt bother to wake him so i got the twins and noah into the car and drove noah to day care and the twins to school once I was outside the school I called ni ,

" hey ni " I said

" hi harry " he said

" me and louis wouldn't be in today sorry " I said

" it's fine I bet louis is ill hope he gets better soon " he said , we said bye and hung up then as I hung up I park the car in the drive way and head inside with louis ice coffee that I picked up in the way home .

I saw he was still asleep so I placed it in the fridge and began tiding

" harry " I heared come from the sitting room , i was upstairs cleaning our room it was faint for me

" lou ?" I said as I walked downstairs

" thanks for letting me sleep I didnt sleep well last night "

" you did toast and turn you relaxed everytime I cuddled you but you would just go tense again " I said " oh yeah theres ice coffee in the fridge for you when you want it " .

He thanked me and I went back upstairs to finish and as I was going back downstairs after 1 hour of cleaning I saw louis the Simpsons on so I walked past kissing his forehead as I did so he turned his head as I walked past towards the kitchen

" lou what do you want for dinner ?" I asked

" ummm.. anything "

" favourite it is then " I said this made him smile .

After dinner I clean up our plates and he called me over

" yes lou "

" I want to cuddle " he said it in his puppy dog eyes and of course I gave in and we cuddled he wanted to lay on my chest the way he always does but I aloud it as I know he feels safe and like the moment will never end ,

Before I know it hes fast asleep and the light snores make me smile I could feel my face beginning to become hot

My mam was picking the kids and taking them away for a week.

Once loui woke up we watched a couple of movies then I headed for a shower , once I came out of the bathroom dryed off I headed downstairs and sat down next to lou , sat on my phone he watched a TV show . I felt myself yarn and I said " lou I'm heading to bed I'm tired "at this point it was 11 pm he nodded his head and I got up , headed to bed and before I knew it I was fast .

Louis pov

Harry headed to bed and then I headed to bed I saw he was asleep so i slowly but carefully slipped into bed and onto his arm . I thought I woke him when he began to talk I completely forgot he talked in his sleep .

The next moring I woke up and woke harry up

" haz hope you slept well " I said and he smiled he sat up and put his legs over me and kissed me then we got up after a moment or 2 and we ordered McDonald's breakfast.  Once we were done I looked into Harry's emerald eyes and I kissed him , later that day once we were both ready we went for a walk along the park  .

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