From Motel, to Party

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We drove for hours, barley stopping for anything except restroom, he had snacks in the truck.... but I was getting car sick...

Finally we stop at a motel and get a room. As I grab my bag I get the feeling of someone looking at me, I see no one but the feelings still there. I quickly head back into our room locking the door behind me.

Later that night after we had gone to sleep I am startled awake by a loud bang. I don't move as I hear the door burst open, I bite my bottom lip so I don't make any noise. I see a silloette of a man as he enters the room,

"Hey! What are you doing in here!!?" I hear Joseph ask angrily

The man says nothing, I just see a blur,and then Joseph falls to the floor with a thud, Joseph is dead. My eyes grow, my breaths shaky, I finally move,I turn my head and look at the man.

He grins at me, and I see two sharp kaynine teeth, I eyes grow even wider (if that's possibe),

"Hello princess...." he says with a snakes tongue to his voice.

I can't move, my body is paralized with fear, all I can do is stare at him as he comes closer.

"Oh good, your coming quietly...." he says with a grin

He picks me up bridal style and we leave the motel in his black Mustang.


Funny how a day can start one way and end another, one minute I'm in a truck moving to Florida, and the next thing you know your being kidnapped by a guy who just killed the man you were starting to like.... he gave me oreos.... don't judge....

I sit in the back seat of his car scilently looking at my hands,

'Why is this happening?' I ask myself 'who is this man?'

He hadn't tied me up, not that he had to, I still can't seem to move... and frankly I don't want to die. He looks at me through the rear view mirror,

"Hey Princess, what's with the long face?" He asks

I get up the courage to glare at him,

"You kidnapped me and killed a guy!" I say finding my voice

"Ah so you can talk" he says ignoring my statement "That's a shame..." he mumbles

"What do you want, where are you taking me!?" I ask

"My master wants you to be his bride, I'm taking you to a party so you can meet your groom to be" he says like its normal

".....okay..... what?" I ask

"What do you not understand about that?" He asks

"The part where you said 'my master wants you as his bride'...." I state

"Ah.... well my master, Kristof, is a very strong vampire, but he needed a creature of royal blood to marry him so he can become more powerful and feared throughout the worlds" he says

I stare at him like he's crazy,

"Say what now??????"

He sighs again,

"You princess, Kristof want princess, me take you to master" he says slowly

"I understand that! But,I'm not a princess, I don't believe in vampires, and I won't be marrying this Kristof dude, and you, whatever-your-name-is, can't make me!" I state

"My names Sylvester, and you are a princess who will marry Kristof" Sylvester says

"Egh!! I don't know what your talking about!!!!" I say angrily

He huffs in annoyance,

"Your family is of high class royal blood, your fathers a Vampire-werewolf hybrid-both parents royal- and your mother was a fairy-vampire hybrid-also royal." Sylvester explains.

"Ha-ha.... very funny..." I say

"You should take this seriously" he says

"Fine what are you?" I ask

"I was a snake, but I got bit by my master, so now I'm a vampire-snake hybrid" Sylvester says proudly

"I still don't believe you" I say

"Well you will soon" Sylvester says slyly

He stops at a large hotel, gets us out of the car, and drags me inside and to the main desk. His hand in circles my wrist and squeezes painfully tight,

"A room please, were hear for the party tonight" Sylvester says

The lady smiles, revealing two sharp k-9,

"Of course, Sylv, room 202, here's your key card" she says cheerfully

'Sylv' drags me to our room, unlocking the door and pushing me in,

"was she a-"

"just a mere vamp, nothing special" He says

"She seemed..."

"Intimate? Flirtatious?" Sylvester guesses

"yea....." I respond

"Just a fling" he brushes it off

He pushes into the center of the room,

"Your look will not please the master...."

"I'm in my PJ's.... they're not supposed to be 'pleasing'..."

"Well that just won't do" he says

"Well to bad, i'm not changing just to please some stupid power hungry vampire" I say

I turn to look at him, I see his hand, I even feel my head being thrown aside, but it takes me a minute to feel the sting of the impact. He slapped me.

"Don't insult my master like that!" Sylvester says

I slowly look back at him,

"Do you understand?" He growls

I nod slowly,

"You will get changed and stay scilent understand? We'll go over the rules of the party after you change" He says

He shoves me into the bathroom and hands me a box,

"Put it on" he says simply closing the door.

'Dresses aren't my style.... but I feel like that's not the worst thing he could do...'

I put on the dark blue,thigh to above the ankle, cut dress. Its silky... and it moves and breaths, but it still hugs my curves.... so not my style.... I wear loose clothes.... jeans... jackets... sweats.... sweaters.... not.... dresses.

I walk out of the bathroom, quiet like I was suppose to.

"That's better" Sylvester says

He's stands looking at me, a girl stands next to him.

"This is Rhonda, she will do your hair" he continues

She pushes me back into the bathroom.

10 minutes later, my stubborn hair is curly and my bangs are twisted and pinned to my head. I also have a blue vale that hangs over my eyes, because this is a masked party....

Rhonda is excused and Sylvester addresses me,

"Good, now then the rules, don't talk to anyone unless my master says you can, if he addresses you address him with master, don't underestimate him,he is stronger and crueler than he looks, oh and don't try any escape attempts.... it will end badly"

I nod.

"Good, now its time to go." He grabs my wrist again, digging his nails into my skin.

We walk outside, and to the building next door. He drags me inside, people stand around dancing and drinking, everyone wearing costumes and masks. Sylvester pulls me towards a back room, marked 'VIP'.

All the while I again have the feeling of being watched.

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