28. Brian May- The Boss (Part 2)

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"Can it wait just a few minutes?" You heard Brian's hushed tone talking to someone behind the office door.

"Okay! Okay! Fine!" Brian quickly opened the door, then quickly closed it behind him.

"I'm sorry. Something just came up, and I need to do it right now. Let me just grab my coffee and my files." He closed his eyes, awkwardly stumbling around the office to grab what he needed.

But as he grabbed his coffee, he headed to the fridge, mumbling something about his coffee needing more milk. So he rushed over to the fridge, facing away from you, and he grabbed the first thing he saw, pouring it into his cup, before closing the lid and walking over to the other side of the office to grab what he needed.

When your breast felt a lot lighter, you turned off the machine, placing the last bottle in the fridge. You felt better knowing that your baby now had more than enough to last her a good while.

When you went to the fridge, you noticed that one of the bottles were missing.

"One...two...three...four?" You questioned. You knew you had at least 4 bottles prepared, but the fourth one was missing.

An empty bottle was on the table. Maybe you had missed one by accident. But you noticed the leftover milk in there. "Oh gosh..." Your eyes widened as you turned to look at Brian. He finished grabbing his work, then he noticed that you were done.

"Oh! Great! I can use my computer now. N-Not that I wanted you gone or anything- not at all." He fumbled over his words as he sat at the desk, sipping his coffee.

"Wow... this coffee taste different. But somewhat familiar. I like it." He said with a smile, pointing the cup towards you in a way to say "cheers" and he continued to drink it.

You were stunned, shocked and trying not to laugh all at the same time.

"I-" You pondered over telling him or not.

"Hey... You just drank my breastmilk." You rehearsed in your head, trying to find a way to not shock or scare him.

"Are you alright? You seem deep in thought." He intervened, his attention now back onto his work on the computer in front of him.

"I-I.. Um..." You giggled softly, not being able to hold back the laughter. You began to laugh louder and louder.

By the time you opened your eyes to look at him, he was looking back at you in full confusion.

"What's so funny?" He asked. "Do I have coffee on my shirt?" He worriedly looked down at his suit, but you walked over to him, shaking your head.

"No. But I think I do know why your coffee tastes so 'different'." You said, doing air quotes when you said "different".

"Oh? Why? Is it a new kind of milk?"

"Well no, not really."

"Please explain to me what's going on. I'm quite afraid that I'm not getting whatever the joke may be."

You laughed softly, walking over to the fridge and the table next to it.

"Someone was so caught up as to not see me pumping my breastmilk, that they didn't realize that they accidentally put my breastmilk in their coffee." You picked up the empty bottle, showing it to him.

His eyes widened and jaw opened wide. "Oh my-" He looked at his coffee cup as if it was possessed.

"OH!" He jumped out of his chair in shock, covering his mouth.

"I'm so sorry! I-I wasn't paying close enough attention!" He began to panic.

"Mr. May! I mean Brian! Calm down!" You grabbed his shoulders, rubbing them softly. You placed your finger on his chin, pulling it down slightly so he would look at you.

"It's okay. Plus, you said you liked it."

He thought about it for a little while, before licking his lips.

"It's honestly not as bad as I used to think it would be." He looked down at you, his eyes softening, signaling that he indeed calmed down.

"See? It's nothing to worry about. Just get back to work and keep drinking the coffee." You told him, guiding him back to his seat. As you were walking, he held your hand.

"Brian? You can let go now." You said, looking at his hand gripping yours even though he was already seated.

"C-Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"It was just a theory, like a science experiment. Please don't hate me for this."

"I could never hate you."

"Okay... well this incident has peaked my interest...oh gosh...I- A-And I'm beginning to theorize about how the milk would taste if it were not for the-"

"Okay." You cut him off, already knowing what he was trying to say.

"What?" He asked in shock. "Really?"

"Yeah sure."

"Are you positive? You don't have to if you don't want to. I'll be fine."

"It's honestly okay, Brian. Go ahead."

His smile widened a bit, his nervousness disappearing. You once again, unbuttoned your shirt, and unhooked your bra.

Surprised at how bold you were, he decided it was only fair if he were as bold as you were being.

He got up, heading towards the door, leaving you sitting on his desk. You could hear the lock click after a couple of seconds, before he walked back over to the desk.

"I've dreamed of this, y'know." He quietly snuck up behind you, as his hands got a hold of your blouse and bra, throwing it on to the floor.

"I didn't think you would ever like me the way that I like you, so I-I never bothered to ask." His hands found their way up your body, stopping at your breast. His fingers slowly massaged your nipples, making you bite your lip as the pleasure crept up on you.

A few milk droplets found their way onto his fingers, and he placed his fingers into his mouth, licking the milk off.

"Mmh.. you taste more delicious than I thought." He kneeled down in front of you so he aligned his mouth with your chest.

His tongue found its way to your nipples again, but as he sucked on them, his hands started to rub your lower thigh slowly, but nothing too drastic. But you knew where this might've been heading towards, and you couldn't help but want it to happen quick.

"Can I?" He looked up at you, his hands still rubbing at your thigh.

"Do whatever you'd like." Brian can see your usually innocent and sweet eyes turn into lust-filled eyes, and it turned him on like never before. It sparked something in him that he never knew he had.

"Good." His voice dropped a few octaves as he stood up, his lips a few centimeters away from yours. "Because now, I'd like to ruin you. If you would allow me to." He smirked, and the tension was so insane, you couldn't form coherent words, so you just nodded.


Let's just say, after that, you were never able to look at Brian or his desk the same ever again. But this mistake of his also happened to be the start of a beautiful and long-lasting relationship with you.

The End

A/N: Sorry if it wasn't the best.

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