I've Done Everything Right

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I got my door back
I cleaned my room
I cleaned my bathroom
I have good grades
I've don what my mother has asked of me
I think she's proud (more like content)

If I've done all of this then why do I feel so empty?
So unaccomplished
I'm doing everything right but yet I feel like this

I feel like I'm spiraling.
I've been spiraling for awhile it's just becoming noticeable
I want to tell someone but I tell no one
I'm at war with myself
It's a losing battle

I see Tami(therapist) tomorrow
She makes everything worse
She amplifies every negative emotion
All my emotions intensify so that she can have something to fix
My mind will never let her fix it though
So I'm just stuck with all these emotions

They all just swirl together and create a shitstorm in my mind

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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