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It's been two years now and the world has changed, not just because there's no government or power. That we all can live without. All things natural and living have changed since the plague, some kind of after effect of the mutagen. We didn't notice the changes at first because they were subtle, but now looking back, things have been changed more than one could have ever imagined.

We didn't realize it when the plague hit humans that the plague also killed off other living things as well. All of nature has changed. Surviving plants, animals and humans alike have all been subtlety mutated since.

The most noticeable is in the the colours of everything but there have been many other mutations.

In plants we find extremes between healing, medicine and poisons all way more effective than anything we've had before.

In human and animals you can find more agility, speed, faster healing and anything that could make them better predators and heighten their defences.

In the common elements you will find that the laws of chemistry and physics don't always apply.

Although there have been many changes we have found commonalities. Not all things have changed or mutated and it's rare to find something mutated the same way as another of its kind. Species as a whole did not mutate together, however some mutations do have traits that go hand in hand.

What's nutritious from one bush could be deadly from another.

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