Chapter 1: What Was In The Last One

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"Gentlemen," Pitch purred, striding across the dimly lit, near empty room. He clapped his hands together as he spun on his heel and sat down in the tall throne at the far end of the room. Shadowy figures lined the path that led up to it, sitting in their own seats as well. "I bid you all a warm welcome to my humble abode."

"Why have you called us here, Pitch?" one of the figures asked. "I have enough on my plate as is without having to be distracted by the likes of you."

"Now don't be that way." The shadow man pouted. "I have brought you all here to offer up a proposition."

"What are we talking about?" another figure asked. 

"My friends. My dear, dear friends," Pitch lifted his arms to them, "what gets everyone in this room down the most? I don't need to say it, but it is hatred and longing." There was a low murmur throughout the room as the others spoke out their own input to this. "We all long for something. To not be laughed at. To have respect. To be loved truly and entirely."

All were silent for the longest of time before one finally spoke up.

"How do you suppose we get that?" the voice asked. "I don't know if you have noticed lately, but we aren't exactly the group of the most loveable people. No one is ever going to look at us like... like that ever!"

"I know that. Do you think that I don't know that?" Pitch rose from his chair and made his way closer to them once more. "No one else but us understands that better than those that are in the room. Every time one of us tries to get somewhere in this life, we get shoved back down! Usually by the Man in the Moon or his minions, the Guardians!"

"No good, rotten brats," someone hissed. "They are just afraid of the world loving us more than them if we succeed."

"Precisely!" Pitch exclaimed "As long as they are around, we can never have our dreams come true!"

"What do you propose that we do? Even you were unable to beat them."

"One alone cannot beat five, but," Pitch paused for dramatic effect, "if we all come together and form our own group, then there is no way for them to defeat us."

"So what? Become the Guardian 2.0?"

"No. Of course not." Pitch smirked. "We shall be the Warriors, for we shall fight for our rights." Pitch strolled back up to his throne and sat down. "My friends, it is time for the fall of the Guardians." 

I came up with the idea for the sequel to "Burning the Phoenix" while doodling. I drew a character, added a name, and then the rest flowed right behind it. You will be seeing him, and the next chapter, soon.  

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