Run away....

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I was done. Over everyone's bullshit; I needed to leave this small town and, I would do it tonight.....
As the sun crept away and the moon started to rise, I left the house with only the things I needed. I never thought I would actually leave but here I am, heading towards the unknown.
The streets were lonely and the sky was dark, so dark. Moments like these is when I wish I carried a pocket knife. I walked and went on a train however, I had no idea where it was heading too. Thirty minutes later I got off in search of food. As I was walking through the streets a group of older men approached me. "Well would you look at that, What are you doing out this late pretty girl?" Called out one of the guys. "I think she's looking for some fun!" Another said. As I backed up, I found myself being cornered and caged. They grabbed my hands tightly and threw my body against the wall. My sight began to become a blur as I had just banged my head on the concrete wall. "OH she looks good, you can start" one of the guys said. I let out a moan as the pain in my head started to spread and I was unable to push off their hands. "Please leave me aloneee" I cried out loud. A deep raspy voice shouted, "What the fuck are you doing!!! Leave her the fuck alone!" Suddenly this tall figure came in, bashing and punching everyone's head. I collapsed and cried on the floor as this mysteries figure continued to beat everyone. "Can you get up? Let me help you" said the tall figure. As he helped me up, I laid my head against his chest unable to comprehend what had just happened. He then said, "Hey Hey, it's alright I got you. I won't let go." You looked up; and for the first time saw his piercing green eyes. His face appeared to be hand sculpted by the Gods and curly dark locks covered parts of his face. Wow, this man is gorgeous, I thought too myself. "I ran away from home" I blurted. "Well, nice too meet you, little run away" he said. I laughed, and he did too. "As much as I would love too stand here with a bunch of guys on the floor, we should get going" he said. I then said, " but I have nowhere to go." " Don't worry, you can spend the night at my place. By the way, I'm Josh Stone" he said. What a sexy name for a sexy man. He was a complete stranger but after tonight, I didn't want to be out on the streets. "Ok, let's go" I said. And so we left.....

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