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There sat a smug looking Blaise Zabini. Blaise had been pestering Draco about like a certain know-it-all bushy haired Gryffindor. Of course, Draco denied it all. He had outright refused to comment on the allegations against him. Blaise always inwardly smirked, knowing his best friend was obviously in denial.

"Oi! Malfoy, over here!" Blaise called out as soon as he'd seen Draco walk into the class room.

Rolling his eyes, the blond boy took long steps over to the dark-skinned boy. Sitting down, Draco inwardly cursed himself for sitting next to the git. He knew what caused the 'smug look' on his face to appear.

Draco had been accidentally caught staring at her more than once.

There she was.

Granger walked into the class, swaying her hips without knowing.

Draco had been caught once again.

He couldn't help himself, he felt addicted to staring at her. She was beautiful. Maybe Draco did fancy her a tiny bit more than he would like to admit.

Hermione and Draco had been best friends ever since the war. They were inseparable. Some thought of the pair as a powerful duo, while others thought of the pair as scum.

"Ooo, careful Draco. Your eyes might get stuck onto Granger permanently" Blaise mocked.

"I don't fancy h-

"Draco... " a small gentle voice called out. Draco turned his head to see Hermione looking at him with big wide eyes. She looked adorable to him. He adored her so much at this very moment, he couldn't think right.

"Michael Corner stole my wand"

"MICHAEL FUCKING CORNER!" Draco roared without thinking. Stomping up the guilty looking ravenclaw, Draco punched him right in the face. " GIVE. HER. WAND. BACK. NOW!"

Michael immediately scurried over to Hermione. Gently, he placed the wand at her desk before running out of the classroom.

Hermione embraced Draco into a soft hug, melting his heart.

"Thank you, although you were a bit rough, I still think it was incredibly sweet" Hermione murmured. Pulling back,Hermione have a gentle kiss to his cheek before pulling away.

Before he could stop himself, Draco grabbed her wrist. Pulling her flush against his chest. Draco tilted her head up with a finer under her chin, he leaned down, capturing her lips.

"You were saying?" Blaise mused as he watched what he'd expected from the moment Hermione and Draco lay eyes on one another.



Dramione one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now