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"We can be mermaids together!"


Lily felt a soft smile form on their face as they posted a picture on Twitter before getting ready to stream before fixing their hair and opening Twitch.

Playing on a new SMP with @TommyInnit @TubboLive @Nihaachu @WilburSoot @Ph1lzA and @JackManifldTV !

Playing on a new SMP with @TommyInnit @TubboLive @Nihaachu @WilburSoot @Ph1lzA and @JackManifldTV !

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Niki @Nihaachu
Replying to @Lilypadz

Can't wait to meet you! I've heard great things about you.

Lily looked at the response for a minute longer before starting up their stream and waiting for the viewers to flood in. "Hello, my little lilies! Today we're streaming on a new smp with a couple of familiar faces and some new ones, hope you're as excited as I am!" They smiled at all of the lovely messages people were leaving typing a quick, ' o/ ' in Minecraft as they noticed Nihachu in the water with them.

"Well chat im gonna try to make some friends! As you can probably see im a fish! I'll check in soon." Lily waved at their chat before typing 'Hello!' In chat.

/Everything from now on will be realistic Minecraft, kinda like a fantasy AU/

Lily smiled as a pink-headed girl appeared in front of her swimming towards two blonde-headed guys one with a red and white shirt and another one with a bucket hat who Lily quickly recognized as their older brother.

Lily quickly swam up to the girl careful to stay a small distance away from her. They felt their communicator buzz with activity as the pink-headed girl typed. They watched as the other mermaid rose out of the water taking a short breath before floating back toward the sandy ground.

Lily switched on her earpiece seconds before the other mermaid did hearing her brother say "- breath," before being cut off by two different Hello's. "What the fuck-" A talk blonde boy muttered causing Lily to laugh and the other mermaid to squeak out a response. "I'm a fish!" Lily and Phil quickly said hello to each other, Lily swimming up to the shore, and Phil leaning down and hugging Lily.

"What does that say over there?" The blue eyes boy slowly lowered himself into the water, swimming towards a mountain of sand near them with a sign on it. "Wilbur I found the sheep. -Tubbo" The boy read, a fond smile on his face as he read the name Tubbo. Lily looked at Phil with a smile Phil doing the same to them. That was a sort of tone that only brothers spoke with. Meaning the boy and Tubbo we're most likely siblings.

"Is that your brother?" Lily said quietly a small smile on their face. "No- the great Tommyinnit is simply too awesome to have siblings. Tubbo is my sidekick." Lily laughed quietly shaking their head. "I'm Lily, Phil's sister." The blonde boy looked at Phil with wide eyes tripping over his words before finally getting out a, "Y- you have a sister?"

The other mermaid seemed to look at Lily curiously, waving at them as she realized you were looking at each other. "I'm Niki." Lily nodded, glad to have the pretty girl's name.

Niki let out a gasp throwing herself into the water, you did the same feeling your throat set up to where it was painful to breathe. "U- uh Niki, Lily, are you stuck in the water?" Phil gave you a worried look as you stayed underwater thankful you could breathe alright again.

"I'm I have to stay underwater to breathe." She murmured looking towards the shore as a brown-haired boy with purple splotches on his skin yelled. "Hey, guys is that the sheep?" Tommy's eyes brightened as he heard the voice eyes darting around to find the voice.

"Niki and Lily are stuck in the water!" Tommy yelled back at him making Phil slip off of the piece of wood he was sitting on with a squeak. "Lily?" Tubbo yelled back as Lily helped Phil back onto the wood, not missing Niki's smile. "Phil's sister!" Tommy yelled towards Tubbo's voice. Laughing at the yell of excitement he got back. "Phil has a sister!?" Lily sighed playfully, the corner of their lips tugging up into a smile.

Another voice cut in soon after, only this one sounded deeper and calmer than the others. "Hi, Niki and Lily," Tubbo screamed underwater bubbles floating towards the surface making Niki and Lily giggle. "Hello!" Niki responded with a smile on her face as well. "I can also breathe down here for long," Tubbo mentioned, getting an excited squeak from Niki and Lily.

She swam up with Niki noticing a tall enderman hybrid on a rowboat talking to Phil and Tommy. "I can't touch the water at all." The boy said shakily eyeing the water suspiciously. "Oh yeah, Ranboo cant-" Ranboo... "Hi, im Lily Phil's sister!" Ranboo looked up at Lily with shock in his eyes before he smiled.

"I'm Ranboo, I'd give you a hand shake but half your body is underwater and I'd probably burn." You giggled swimming a little closer to him. "Nice to meet you Ranboo."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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