The older mistake

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Earth sits on the bench, glare at the gate of the classroom. It's three days from the last time he met Mix. It was the longest three days of his life. Earth thought that he cares about Mix enough, but he has never got Mix's point. From the start of Earth's scheme, he plans multiple options to react to Mix's attitude, but anything out of the track. 

He didn't ready for Mix's encounter. When Earth was looking over Dao's shoulder and saw Mix, he stunned. A shame feeling welled up inside him. He said that he would protect the younger, but he made Mix hurt by the other way. How a bad senior he was?

The younger looked at him like a stranger, sighed, and turned to walk away, like what happens behind wasn't his business. Earth can hear the sound of their friendship bridge broken. And by the evil mind, Earth was disappointed, why Mix could be calm like that, why he didn't get angry or just a little sad.

-The closest senior or you and your girlfriend, together, and you even not knitted your browns. So, what is my position on you?

The question erosive his, and by the disappearance, Mix succeeded to collapsed Earth mind. It's the first time Earth realizes that Mix can run out of his life without any clued from the time they met together. The consequence is Earth roams anywhere like a homeless just for finding Mix. Right now, the hot boy of the school is shabby like a pet waiting for the owner.

When Earth tries to find sophistries to arrange the lousy situation between him and the younger, a handsome boy with the uniform skims past him. The fair skin and perfect slim body are exalted by the fit uniform, easy to attract others' eyes, including Earth. When Earth sees this familiar eye, he realizes that not a lousy situation. It's terrible.

After the stunned, Earth rush to catch Mix's hand. He forgets all of the sophistries he prepared and replace by a stubborn attitude:

-What happened with you, where are your glasses, and why you changed your hair and uniform too. Did something hit on your head?

Mis was surprised with Earth's reaction, but the angry fire burns him immediately. So, after all, how can he act like a victim? Is he crazy?-I was hit by the betrayal of someone, but I don't think it's your business.

Mix lifts the arm that was being grasped by Earth, giving a pony smile for him.-So can the senior put your hand out of me? It's hurt.

Mix answers let Earth calm back. He eased the hand and tried to explain to Mix.

-Can you give me a minute to explain?

Earth apologetic eyes nearly got the softness from Mix, but no one wants to get more lies.

-I think I can speak for you.-You profit the meeting of us to approach my girlfriend, on any time Dao come to see me, you always appear like an accident.

Earth can feel the first shot on him.

-You notified her that you break up with your girlfriend deliberately when we were eating together.


-Dao never chooses an uncertain relationship, so I can sure you flirt with her first. It was a plan, not an uncontrol crush. I was not born yesterday, senior.


Earth hand falling, and Mix goes far from him immediately. Mix smart in lots of aspects, and he just ignored because of the belief in Earth. Earth couldn't adapt to Mix's uncompromising attitude, but he fast in getting inspiration. Because you don't respect me anymore, so I can be a bastard with you.

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