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Yamaguchi's POV

he's so close.. I can't pull away his lips are pulling me in..

3rd POV

"HEY HEY HEY" Bokuto said as he walks in the room with kuroo

"holy shit did we disturb something" kuroo said

"i-ill go" Yamaguchi said as he walked away

just as yamaguchi left tsukishima spoked 

"You guys better have a good reason to come here" tsukishima said standing up and leaning at the wall while staring at them with stone cold eyes 

both of them gulped as they exchanged looks

"N-narita said he changed the schedule you're free to leave after 12 p.m" Bokuto said not looking at tsukishima and sweating

"calm down tsukki" kuroo said 

"don't call me that" Tsukishima replied

"oh yea only freckles has the right to say that" Kuroo said 

"shut up" tsukishima said blushing slightly 

"anyways wanna tell us what's going on between you guys?" bokuto said

"fine..only because you'd bug me more if I don't" tsukishima said sighing 

Tsukishima started to tell them what he really feels about yamaguchi 

Back to Yamaguchi

he was currently at the bathroom trying to process what would have happened if kuroo and bokuto didn't interrupt them


at this time yamaguchi was red af like strawberry red

just as yamaguchi was still trying to process it kenma walked into the bathroom

"yamaguchi?"kenma said

"h-huh" a red faced yamaguchi replied

"are u ok.. you're um red" kenma said

"i- no I mean yea I mean UGH IDK" yamaguchi said as he crouched down covering his face

"you wanna tell me what happened?" Kenma said crouching down

"promise you'd keep it a secret..?" Yamaguchi asked

"promise" kenma replied

"well I think im starting to have feeling for tsukishima..." yamaguchi said quietly 

"I don't know how or why but im just starting to like him" yamaguchi added

"well how did u find out about ur feelings?" kenma asked

"well today while we were taking a break me and tsukki almost kissed" Yamaguchi said quietly

kenma's expression quickly turned into shock 

"r-really?"kenma asked 

yamaguchi nodded in response 

"then..what's the problem about having a crush on him" kenma asked 

"it's just that I know tsukki wouldn't like me back and im just asking for my heart to be broken..but I just can't stop these feelings"

kenma laughed a bit

"you know.. what you're feeling right now is like when I first discovered my crush for kur-" then kenma realized what he said

"...you have a crush on kuroo???" yamaguchi said surprised

kenma quickly covered his face

"oh god I said to much" kenma said

yamaguchi giggled

"It's okey kenma-san your secret is safe with me" yamaguchi said standing up

"now why don't we go back and conquer these stupid feelings" yamaguchi said helping kenma get up

"yea you're right" kenma said getting up 

welp it's currently 1 am and I just finished this- hope you guys like it, it's short but eh idgaf anymore I hope you guys have a wonderful day:3 


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