(4)A week later

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—Kevin's ships—
-Kevin removed Jughead-
Kevin- has jughead just been ignoring me or is it all of us
Cheryl- I don't message him anyway so I don't know
Archie- I've tried to ring him but it goes straight to voicemail
Veronica- Betty has he answered any of your messages or calls
Betty- no
Josie l- well what happened if he doesn't answer to his own girlfriend then something must be wrong
Betty- I'm not this girlfriend we are just friends
Veronica- if you say so
Reggie- So why isn't Wednesday Addams answering his phone
Cheryl- because last week I asked him if he told Toni about the party then he hung up
Josie- so I take he did tell her
Veronica- more than likely
Kevin- well I'll add him back then we all spam him until he responds
All- ok
-Kevin ands Jughead to the chat-
Kevin- J
Archie- U
Betty- G
Cheryl- H
Josie- E
Reggie- A
Veronica- D
Archie- I can't believe that there is enough of us to spell out his name
Kevin- Archie start the next one then Betty, Cheryl etc

Archie- J
Betty- U
Cheryl- G
Josie- H
Reggie- E
Veronica- A
Kevin- D

Betty- J
Cheryl- U
Josie- G
Reggie- H
Veronica- E
Kevin- A
Archie- D

Cheryl- J
Josie- U
Reggie- G
Veronica- H
Kevin- E
Archie- A
Betty- D

Jughead- what?
Kevin- oh it worked
Jughead- what worked?
Josie- the spam of your name
Jughead- I've been here since you added me
Cheryl- so we did that for nothing
Jughead- yep

—Betty and jughead privet messages—
Betts- why didn't you answer anyone else?
Jug- but I messaged you Xx
Betts- I know but why didn't you message anyone else?
Jug- do you want me to message someone but you??
Betts- No..... but they are your friends
Jug- their not all are my friends
Betts- who isn't your friend
Jug- Reggie, Josie, Veronica, Kevin and Cheryl
Betts- so only me and Archie are your friends
Jug- yes
Betts- Juggie try and be more social
Jug- only for you Betty Cooper 🥰
Betty- love you 💗
Jug- love you too 💗

End of part 4

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