the vampires daughters turning

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It was like draining the life right out of me. I couldn't stand this feeling, but the world kept fading away until complete darkness. I felt helpless, feeling and knowing the world was being ripped out from beneath my feet, and there was almost nothing I could do about it, or could I? I decided to let out a scream, the only defense I could remember how to do. I couldn't hear it, my scream, but I felt the pain stabbing it's self at my neck start to fade. I could feel my legs again. I sighed and opened my eyes to see a dark figure in the corner of my room, Where's that bat? I think to myself, The figure starts to sway on his feet. What should I do? If I scream he might pull a gun on me, I I ran he might catch me and if I hide he can find me. "I'm not afraid," I stated in the calmest voice I could dig up "you're not welcome here!" I told it again, I watched as it turned around and stepped forward into the single slit of light the window let in. "neither am I." I was startled because the voice that said that, I recognized as my own. When I said that I felt that it was against my free will, and as soon as I said that it felt like I had no control over my body, like someone had control over my entire existence, my life, my thoughts. Someone was forcing me toward the window, was forcing me to follow the dark figure that was quickly receding into the darkness. Suddenly I felt like my body was tearing apart, ripping itself in half, destroying me. And then I was blind, when I finally figured out that I had turned into a bat, there was a pull on my soul, I was being pulled in a direction. So, I went that way for about half an hour. When I finally landed I changed back into my human form. Once again I was startled because the dark figure looked like, like my dad?! The reason I was startled was because I had been told that my father died in a car crash 2 months after I had been born. I hadn't asked any questions because I had been too young to understand what was going on. All I knew of my dad was from pictures and my mom. There must be a mistake of some kind, he can't be my dad. So I asked the figure,"who are you? And where am I?" He answered my question with a question. "Don't you remember me cassie? Don't you remember when I would pick you up and toss you into the air?" Oh god I did remember all that. "No you can't possibly be my dad. My dad died in a car crash, my own mother told me what happened that night she wouldn't lie to me!" And after I finished saying that I realized that I had been crying while I had been screaming that in his face. I kept thinking in my head that he was lying to my face just to make me cry, liking my pain, the pain of losing my father in a car crash, and I was thinking that he was a true monster to like watching other people's pain, never knowing how it felt to lose a part of your own family. Never knowing how it felt to be loved and cared for by a family. When I had finished crying he said ,"I will tell you the true story and the full story if you want me to. But first look around yourself and where you are at right now." just then I realized that we were at an old hous that both my parents used to own when I was born. Then he introduced himself to me sense I did not remember him well. "My name is David Rose and the reason that I am still alive is all because of a vampire. The vampire bit me and then fed me his own blood to finish the change. The thing is though is that this vampire was not that evil because he drank animal blood instead of human blood. Also, he did not kill the animals but only took enough to survive. And he was very kind to me. He was not cruel to anyone or anything. He even had a pet cat that was pure white. he saved my life that night as I saved yours tonight. So now do you understand how this all happened that night and this night cassie?""Why did I need to be saved tonight?"" I found your mother and she told me that I had to change you into a vampire because you were going to die from cancer within the year.""was that why I had felt so tired and hungry all the time?" He just nodded yes. "why did you want to save me?" He smiled and said "because you're my little girl, well not so little now, but when you were born I could hold you in the palm of my hand, because you were so small. But to the doctors you were hugh at 10lbs 5oz. But to me you'll always be my little girl." He was smiling gently at me now. "As for you being a girl I do have some rules on what kind of boyfriend you have.""Great as if I don't have enough problems without my father ruling my life and who I go out with.""Oh come on, at least I'm not as bad about it as your mother is about ruling your life.""Well you do have a point there.""That's the spirit."

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